Treat for Tweet — Adobe at dmexco!

Dieses Jahr auch auf der dmexco?

Dann kommt zum Adobe-Stand in **Halle 7, A011/A014 **und nehmt teil an unserem Gewinn­spiel mit der shar­ing­box. Zu gewin­nen gibt es 10 Adobe Cre­ative Cloud-Jahresa­bos.

Und hier die Spiel­regeln:

Mach ein Foto bei uns an der shar­ing­box und twit­tere es mit dem vorgegeben­em Tweet (Hav­ing fun @Adobe_MC_DACH #dmex­co booth #Win­Cre­ative­Cloud.)

Damit nimmst Du automa­tisch am Gewinn­spiel teil.

Die Gewin­ner wer­den am 21.9. über Twit­ter benachrichtigt.

Aber Achtung: Um teilzunehmen, musst Du ein Bild bei uns am Stand an der shar­ing­box gemacht haben.

Viel Erfolg!

Und hier das Kleingedruckte:

Offi­cial Rules

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. The “Adobe #dmex­co #Win­Cre­ative­Cloud” Sweep­stake (the “Sweep­stake”) opens 9.00am (CET) 16 Sep­tem­ber 2015 and clos­es at 5.00pm (CET) 17 Sep­tem­ber 2015 (“Sweep­stake Peri­od”). Par­tic­i­pa­tion con­sti­tutes entrant’s full and uncon­di­tion­al agree­ment to and accep­tance of these Offi­cial Rules. The winner’s name will be ran­dom­ly drawn from eli­gi­ble entries as described below. The Sweep­stake is spon­sored by Adobe Sys­tems GmbH, Georg-Brauch­le-Ring 58, 80992 München. (“Spon­sor”).
(1) ELIGIBILITY: The prize draw is open to any­one reg­is­tered to attend dmex­co 2015 being held on 15–16 Sep­tem­ber in Cologne, Ger­many. Employ­ees, inde­pen­dent con­trac­tors, offi­cers and direc­tors of Adobe, its affil­i­ates, sub­sidiaries, adver­tis­ing, pro­mo­tion, and ful­fil­ment agen­cies and legal advi­sors, and the imme­di­ate fam­i­ly mem­bers and per­sons liv­ing in the same house­hold of such per­sons, whether or not relat­ed, are not eli­gi­ble to par­tic­i­pate in the Sweep­stake. Void where pro­hib­it­ed. The Sweep­stake is sub­ject to all applic­a­ble laws and reg­u­la­tions with­in Eng­land and Wales and is void where pro­hib­it­ed or restrict­ed by law.
(2) HOW TO ENTER: Par­tic­i­pants may enter the Sweep­stake by tweet­ing their image tak­en at the shar­ing­box (locat­ed at the Adobe dmex­co booth) with the fol­low­ing tweet: Hav­ing fun @Adobe_MC_DACH #dmex­co booth #Win­Cre­ative­Cloud.“ .Par­tic­i­pants should fol­low Sponsor’s twit­ter han­dle @Adobe_MC_DACH to get the lat­est Sweep­stake announce­ments and details.
More than one entry per per­son is per­mit­ted but regard­less of the num­ber of entries, each par­tic­i­pant is only eli­gi­ble to receive one (1) prize in this Sweep­stake. No oth­er meth­ods of entry will be accept­ed, than the meth­ods stat­ed above. Adobe can­not guar­an­tee that all per­sons attempt­ing to enter will be able to par­tic­i­pate. If there is a dis­pute as to any entry, or the iden­ti­ty of a par­tic­i­pant, the entry at issue will be declared to be made by the autho­rized account hold­er and nat­ur­al per­son assigned by an inter­net access provider to the email addressed asso­ci­at­ed with the entry, and he/she must com­ply with these terms and con­di­tions. Par­tic­i­pants may be required to show proof of being the autho­rized account hold­er. By par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Sweep­stake, each par­tic­i­pant accepts and agrees that Spon­sor, in its sole dis­cre­tion, may dis­qual­i­fy any par­tic­i­pant who (whether in fact or by attempt) sub­verts, cir­cum­vents, or tam­pers with the entry process, or the law­ful oper­a­tion of this Sweep­stake, or who Spon­sor finds to be act­ing in an unsports­man­like or dis­rup­tive man­ner, or in a man­ner oth­er­wise in vio­la­tion of these terms and conditions.
The Sweep­stake entry win­dow opens at 9.00am (CET) on 16 Sep­tem­ber 2015 and clos­es at 5.00pm (CET) on 17 Sep­tem­ber 2015.
(3) PRIZES: Ten (10) win­ners will be select­ed to receive one (1) prize each: each Adobe Cre­ative Cloud Mem­ber­ship is val­ued at (Approx­i­mate Retail Val­ue) €61.49 per month. No alter­na­tive prize, cash equiv­a­lent, or oth­er sub­sti­tu­tion is per­mit­ted except by Adobe in the event of prize unavail­abil­i­ty. Prize is non-trans­fer­able. All tax­es, and any inci­den­tal expens­es asso­ci­at­ed with col­lec­tion of the prize are the sole respon­si­bil­i­ty of the win­ner. The ARV of prizes are stat­ed in Euros and EUR val­ues based on local cur­ren­cy rates can be deter­mined by con­sult­ing an online cur­ren­cy con­vert­er. ARVs quot­ed rep­re­sent the max­i­mum retail price or, in the absence of a max­i­mum retail price, the pre­vail­ing mar­ket price to the best of Sponsor’s knowl­edge. Dif­fer­ences in stat­ed price and actu­al pro­mo­tion­al item val­ues (includ­ing dif­fer­ences in any stat­ed price and the price a win­ner would have had to pay for such prize in any juris­dic­tion) will not be award­ed. All prize details, includ­ing type, col­or, size, etc, and sequence or com­bi­na­tion of prize dis­trib­uted in con­nec­tion with this Sweep­stake are at Sponsor’s sole dis­cre­tion. All prizes are award­ed “as is” with no war­ran­ty or guar­an­tee, either express or implied. Spon­sor reserves the right to sub­sti­tute a prize (or por­tion there­of) with one of approx­i­mate­ly equal or greater val­ue. Use of any prize that has asso­ci­at­ed use terms such as soft­ware, online ser­vices, or sub­scrip­tion prod­ucts is sub­ject to any terms or con­di­tions that may accom­pa­ny such pro­mo­tion­al items as issued by the prize ser­vice or prod­uct provider. Only the adver­tised num­ber of prizes and those claimed in accor­dance with these terms and con­di­tions will be award­ed. Par­tic­i­pants may be required to pro­vide a ship­ping address and proof of res­i­den­cy to claim a prize.
(4) SELECTION OF WINNERS: The win­ners will be deter­mined by ran­dom draw­ing of all eli­gi­ble entries received. Odds of win­ning a prize are based on the num­ber of eli­gi­ble entries received. The selec­tion of the ten (10) win­ners will take place on 21 Sep­tem­ber 2015. The win­ners will be noti­fied by Twit­ter with­in one (1) busi­ness day of the selec­tion. The prize will be award­ed with­in one (1) month of the selection.
Poten­tial win­ners must con­tin­ue to com­ply with these Offi­cial Rules.
Spon­sor is not respon­si­ble for late, lost, mis­di­rect­ed, or unsuc­cess­ful efforts to noti­fy the win­ner. Win­ner may be required to sign and return a release of lia­bil­i­ty, dec­la­ra­tion or affi­davit of eli­gi­bil­i­ty, and where law­ful, a pub­lic­i­ty con­sent agree­ment, as a con­di­tion of receiv­ing the prize with­in 7 days of attempt­ed noti­fi­ca­tion in order to claim the pro­mo­tion­al item. If the select­ed win­ner can­not be con­tact­ed, is inel­i­gi­ble or fails to claim the prize, or fails to time­ly return the com­plet­ed and exe­cut­ed dec­la­ra­tion and releas­es as required, the prize may be for­feit­ed and an alter­na­tive win­ner selected.
(5) DATA PROTECTION: Spon­sor does not claim own­er­ship of entries, how­ev­er, by par­tic­i­pat­ing in this Sweep­stake (i) each par­tic­i­pant here­by con­sents to per­son­al infor­ma­tion being col­lect­ed from par­tic­i­pant by Spon­sor which will be used and dis­closed by Spon­sor and its autho­rized agents for the pur­pos­es of Sweep­stake admin­is­tra­tion and prize ful­fil­ment. By enter­ing, each par­tic­i­pant con­sents to the col­lec­tion, use and dis­clo­sure of par­tic­i­pants per­son­al infor­ma­tion as described in these terms and con­di­tions. Noth­ing in these terms and con­di­tions will be deemed to restrict or exclude any participant’s statu­to­ry con­sumer rights per­tain­ing to per­son­al data. Except as oth­er­wise stat­ed in these terms and con­di­tions, per­son­al infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed by Spon­sor from par­tic­i­pants is sub­ject to Sponsor’s Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy at
The per­son­al infor­ma­tion shall not be trans­ferred to a coun­try out­side the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area unless that coun­try or ter­ri­to­ry is a par­ty to the Safe Har­bor Scheme or is has received a ‘pos­i­tive find­ing of ade­qua­cy’ grant­ed by the Euro­pean Commission.
Win­ners and/or any par­tic­i­pant required to dis­close their per­son­al infor­ma­tion to Spon­sor must be pre­sent­ed the option to refuse to con­sent to hav­ing their per­son­al infor­ma­tion used in the way out­lined in this clause by the Spon­sor (“Opt-Out”).
(6) SPONSOR’S RIGHT TO USE PARTICIPANTS’ SUBMISSION: By par­tic­i­pat­ing in this Sweep­stake (i) each par­tic­i­pant here­by con­sents to, and grants to Spon­sor and its agents, a per­pet­u­al, roy­al­ty-free, non-exclu­sive, trans­fer­able right and ful­ly-paid up, ful­ly-sub licens­able license, to use, repro­duce, dis­trib­ute, pub­licly per­form and pub­licly dis­play, pub­lish, in whole or in part, participant’s entire entry, exclud­ing any per­son­al infor­ma­tion asso­ci­at­ed with that entry, (col­lec­tive­ly, “Sub­mis­sion”), in any media for­mat or medi­um (whether now or here­after known) and through any media chan­nels, in and in con­nec­tion with the pro­mo­tion, pub­lic­i­ty and adver­tis­ing for this Sweep­stake or Spon­sor, its prod­ucts or ser­vices, with­out any fur­ther attri­bu­tion, noti­fi­ca­tion, or com­pen­sa­tion to the participant.
Par­tic­i­pa­tion in this Sweep­stake cre­ates no oblig­a­tion (express or implied) on the part of Spon­sor to use, com­mer­cial­ize or oth­er­wise exploit any participant’s sub­mis­sion and no par­tic­i­pant is enti­tled to any dam­ages or oth­er relief by rea­son of Sponsor’s use or non-use of his/her submission.
(7) PARTICIPANT’S AGREEMENT TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND DECISIONS OF SPONSOR: Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Sweep­stake or receipt of any prize con­sti­tutes each participant’s and winner’s full and uncon­di­tion­al agree­ment to and accep­tance of these terms and con­di­tions, Sponsor’s online Terms of Use and Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy (avail­able by region and incor­po­rat­ed in these terms and con­di­tions by ref­er­ence), and Sponsor’s deci­sions which are final and bind­ing in all mat­ters relat­ed to Sweep­stake. Spon­sor will not enter into any cor­re­spon­dence. Win­ning a prize is con­tin­gent upon par­tic­i­pant ful­fill­ing all applic­a­ble require­ments as set forth in these terms and conditions.
(8) GENERAL: SPONSOR’S RIGHT TO CANCEL, TERMINATE OR MODIFY THE SWEEPSTAKE: Spon­sor reserves the right to can­cel, ter­mi­nate, or mod­i­fy the Sweep­stake, or any por­tion, if in Sponsor’s opin­ion, the Sweep­stake has been com­pro­mised, cor­rupt­ed, or can­not be com­plet­ed as planned due to com­put­er virus, bugs, tam­per­ing, unau­tho­rized inter­ven­tion, tech­ni­cal fail­ures, or oth­er con­di­tions beyond Sponsor’s rea­son­able con­trol, includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion, an insuf­fi­cient vol­ume of par­tic­i­pa­tion or eli­gi­ble entries, and to select poten­tial winner(s) from among eli­gi­ble, non-sus­pect entries received on or before the ter­mi­na­tion date. While Spon­sor may take action against fraud­u­lent activ­i­ties of par­tic­i­pants, Spon­sor assumes no respon­si­bil­i­ty or oblig­a­tion to proac­tive­ly police par­tic­i­pants’ activ­i­ties, or to inves­ti­gate any or all claims of fraud­u­lent activ­i­ty. Sponsor’s fail­ure to enforce any pro­vi­sion of these terms and con­di­tions will not con­sti­tute a waiv­er of that provision.
(9) LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, RELEASE OF CLAIMS: Con­duct of Sweep­stake and selec­tion of win­ner is in Sponsor’s sole dis­cre­tion, and Sponsor’s deci­sion is final and bind­ing. Spon­sor and its agents, rep­re­sen­ta­tives, affil­i­ates, sub­sidiaries, adver­tis­ing, pro­mo­tion and ful­fil­ment agen­cies, and legal advi­sors (“Released Par­ties”) are not respon­si­ble for and shall not be liable for: (i) late, lost, delayed, dam­aged, mis­di­rect­ed, incom­plete, illeg­i­ble, unin­tel­li­gi­ble, or postage-due entries; (ii) any con­di­tion caused by events beyond the con­trol of Spon­sor that may cause the Sweep­stake to be dis­rupt­ed or cor­rupt­ed; (iii) any print­ing or typo­graph­i­cal errors in any mate­ri­als asso­ci­at­ed with the Sweep­stake; (iv) elec­tron­ic hard­ware or soft­ware pro­gram, net­work, inter­net, or com­put­er mal­func­tions, fail­ures, or dif­fi­cul­ties of any kind;(v) failed, incom­plete, gar­bled, or delayed com­put­er trans­mis­sions; (v) any act, omis­sion, or breach of con­tract or war­ran­ty by par­tic­i­pants; (vii) any infringe­ment or vio­la­tion of any right of pub­lic­i­ty, pri­va­cy, intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty or pro­pri­etary rights, or for any loss (includ­ing loss of oppor­tu­ni­ty), or oth­er claim aris­ing from or in rela­tion to this Sweep­stake; and (viii) any entry sub­mit­ted, or for the autho­rized or unau­tho­rized actions of par­tic­i­pants or oth­er third par­ties. By par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Sweep­stake each par­tic­i­pant agrees, to the max­i­mum extent allow­able under applic­a­ble law, to release and hold the Released Par­ties harm­less from and against any and all lia­bil­i­ty what­so­ev­er for any injuries, loss­es, or dam­ages of any kind aris­ing from, or in any way con­nect­ed with, par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Sweep­stake, any Sweep­stake-relat­ed activ­i­ty, or any entry sub­mit­ted, or the ship­ping and han­dling, receipt, pos­ses­sion, loss, use or mis­use of any prize award­ed. The lim­i­ta­tion of lia­bil­i­ty in this sec­tion does not apply to claims for per­son­al injury or death caused by Spon­sor or its agents’ neg­li­gence, or to lia­bil­i­ty of Spon­sor and its agents for will­ful mis­con­duct or gross neg­li­gence, or any oth­er lia­bil­i­ties that may not be exclud­ed by law. Par­tic­i­pants agree that Sponsor’s only oblig­a­tion is to accept eli­gi­ble entries and to award prizes accord­ing to the pro­ce­dures and cri­te­ria set forth in these terms and con­di­tions that these oblig­a­tions are fair and ade­quate con­sid­er­a­tion for any entry sub­mit­ted, and par­tic­i­pant is not enti­tled to and will not seek any fur­ther compensation.
No Opt-In Con­sent to Future Mar­ket­ing Required: Win­ners and/or any par­tic­i­pant required to dis­close their per­son­al infor­ma­tion to Spon­sor must be pre­sent­ed the option to con­sent to future com­mu­ni­ca­tions from Spon­sor (“Opt-In”), how­ev­er, the Opt-In may be declined and is not required to par­tic­i­pate in the Sweepstake.
Adobe reserves the right to per­ma­nent­ly dis­qual­i­fy from any pro­mo­tion any per­son it believes has inten­tion­al­ly vio­lat­ed these rules. All issues and ques­tions con­cern­ing the con­struc­tion, valid­i­ty, inter­pre­ta­tion and enforce­abil­i­ty of these Offi­cial Rules, or the rights and oblig­a­tions of par­tic­i­pant and Adobe in con­nec­tion with Sweep­stake, shall be gov­erned by, and con­strued in accor­dance with the laws of Ger­many. To obtain a copy of these Offi­cial Rules, send a stamped, self-addressed enve­lope to: Offi­cial Rules, Adobe #dmex­co #Win­Cre­ative­Cloud Sweep­stake, Georg-Brauch­le-Ring 58, 80992 München.