Content Aggregation Workflow in RoboHelp

Technical Communication,Suite,HAT,Help Authoring,Knowledge Base,Policies and Procedures

RoboHelp can import content from Microsoft Word, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe Dreamweaver and also enables HTML authoring in RoboHTML. In Adobe RoboHelp 7, a project can have multiple TOCs, multiple indexes and multiple glossaries. In addition to creating multiple TOCs and indexes, RoboHelp also provides an ability to create a hierarchical structure of TOCs and indexes. For example, let’s say there are three TOCs defined in RoboHelp, say, TOC1, TOC2 and TOC3. RoboHelp allows you to include TOC2 and TOC3 in TOC1. You can add a placeholder in TOC1 and associate TOC2 with the placeholder. This provides an ability to manage separate TOCs for different content brought in from different sources. Now, you can easily integrate content from several sources in RoboHelp.

If you have a linked FrameMaker book in Adobe Technical Communication Suite, you can associate a TOC which is linked to the FrameMaker content, let’s say TOC2. TOC2 will reflect the changes in FrameMaker as content is updated. By placing TOC2 as a placeholder in TOC1, TOC1 becomes the integrated TOC and can be used for publishing the help output. Similarly, you can have a placeholder index – Index 2 in the overall project Index. Thus, you separately manage the changes in FrameMaker and at the same time, aggregate the content in RoboHelp.

RoboHelp also provides an ability to apply conditional build tags to TOC entries and an ability to include variables in the TOC entries. By enabling conditional build tags, variables, multiple TOCs and TOC placeholder to create hierarchical structure of the TOCs, Adobe RoboHelp 7 provides unparalleled content aggregation functionality.
