FrameMaker 8.0.1 Available!

FrameMaker 8.0.1 patch is live now. This patch has fixes for several reported problems. The key areas include:

  1. PDF: Text going behind tables, tag structure not correct as per accessibility standards etc.
  2. XML / DITA: Fixes for crashers, handling invalid input, bugs related to Unicode etc. Apart from this, two functionality workflows that we have fixed are:
    1. Enabling round-tripping of user-variables in DITA files
    2. Enabling Track Changes in DITA file
  3. Conditional expressions for Books
  4. Track Text Edits: Crashers, some workflow issues. There are fixes for some Japanese locale specific bugs too.

These bug fixes are in addition to localization, installation, FDK, Server, documentation and Suite features.

These patches are available at the following locations:


Windows –

– Mahesh