Using Hierarchical TOC and Index in RoboHelp for Linked FrameMaker Books

Knowledge base software,help authoring tool,RoboHelp,FrameMaker,Technical Communication Suite,Single Sourcing

Adobe RoboHelp 7 has one of the most innovative and powerful feature of single sourcing, support for hierarchical TOC and hierarchical Index. When you bring content from several sources in RoboHelp, RoboHelp enables you to add that content in a specific folder. For example, for a FrameMaker book, RoboHelp creates a master folder at the book level and sub-folders each representing the Chapters in the book.

In addition, you can create a separate TOC and Index for each of the FrameMaker documents you add as a live link in Adobe Technical Communication Suite. In the example here, Agreement TOC and Agreement Index are created specifically for the FrameMaker book – Experience Bank.

By enabling multiple TOC, Index and Glossary, RoboHelp allows to manage your content in a separate space. When you update the content in FrameMaker document, the TOC and Index for the linked FrameMaker books are automatically updated.

In RoboHelp 7, you can now add a TOC inside a TOC as a placeholder enabling a hierarchical structure for TOC. Similarly, you can now add an Index inside an Index as placeholder enabling a hierarchical structure for Indices. This is a really powerful functionality for single sourcing.

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