Details about Adobe RoboHelp 7.0.1 (the Update)
Adobe RoboHelp 7,Adobe Technical Communication Suite,Patch,Update Details,Issues Resolved,Security Update
I was short on time when I wrote my previous post and hence did not mention the exact list of issues that have been resolved in the recent update to Adobe RoboHelp 7. I thought that getting out the message was much more important than describing the issues. Today, I will improve upon that by listing down all the issues fixed in Adobe RoboHelp 7.0.1 (when you apply the Update the version number changes from 7 to 7.0.1)
Rather than writing out the issues myself, I thought it might be more accurate to just Cut and Paste contents from the “Read Me” itself. So here is the list of issues:
********(from Adobe RoboHelp 7.0.1 “Read Me”)********
List of major issues resolved in the Update:
- Search does not work properly in CHM output generated in complex asian languages.
- When an X5 Project is upgraded to RoboHelp 7.0 some topics may remain empty in certain scenarios.
- Browse sequence doesn’t get auto generated via TOC on importing complex Frame maker file.
- If style sheet is accessed by clicking Format | Styles, then after style sheet creation changes to the styles could not be made successfully in the first attempt. The dialog has to be reopened to make changes.
- Any formatting changes to a paragraph could not be saved as a paragraph style on the fly using Formatting toolbar.
- Search does not work properly in CHM output generated in few languages.
- When an X5 project is upgraded to RoboHelp 7.0 topic files-names might get converted to Title Case.
- Images with Text wrapping applied do not appear in Printed Documentation output.
- DHTML effects applied on styles do not get automatically updated without opening the topic.
- Security vulnerability related to cross-site scripting attacks in WebHelp and FlashHelp Single Source Layouts has been fixed.
- Frame Maker style with DHTML effects when mapped to a RoboHelp style do not retain DHTML effects on mapping.
- While renaming a Snippet or a UDV, the Topics opened in the editor may get saved without a prompt.
- While viewing content in Mozilla Firefox, some of the TOC Books may not open until any topic is opened manually. Additionally the default topic is not shown if it is under some book.
- In certain scenarios hotspots created on Shed files are missing in the FlashHelp output for RoboHelp for Word.
- Conditional Build Tags when applied differently in multiple cells of a table do not appear properly in output.
- Previewing of an unsaved topic results in saving the topic without giving any prompt.
- HTML topics may not get generated if a structured Frame Maker file is imported or added to a RoboHelp project.
- In case of multiple cross reference markers applied to paragraphs each linked to different sources in a FrameMaker file, the hyperlinks are not formed on importing or linking the file to RoboHelp project.
- Inserting image with path more than 120 characters do not work properly.
As mentioned in the list we have also fixed the vulnerability related to cross-site scripting attacks in WebHelp and FlashHelp. You can read more about this on the following Security Bulletin published by Adobe:
In case you have any queries around the Adobe RoboHelp 7 Update, please leave a comment and I shall try to answer the same.