Excluding content from being Searched in RoboHelp Projects

Adobe RoboHelp,Technical Communication Suite,Exclude from Search,HAT

I have met a number of technical communicators who are interested in excluding some topics from being searched in a RoboHelp published project. Adobe RoboHelp doesn’t’t support this natively however, since I see a lot of interest in doing the same, today, I shall describe a procedure that will help you exclude specific topics and even content in a topic from being searched.

Here is what you have to do:

    1. Search for lazy – you shall get hits for Second and Third Topic
    1. Search for Topic – you shall get hits for all the three topic
    1. Search for lazy – No hits
    1. Search for Topic – you shall get hits for Second and Third Topic

I just hope that you will now be able to exclude content from being searched in RoboHelp published projects using this procedure till we build native support in the product.

– Akshay
