Importing FrameMaker Lists in RoboHelp

Adobe Technical Communication Suite,RoboHelp,FrameMaker,Lists,import,HAT,Help Authoring

Adobe RoboHelp 7 and Adobe Technical Communication Suite enable you to convert the FrameMaker paragraph styles with autonumber formats to HTML lists. After import is complete, you can add or delete list items and the numbering of the list items will change accordingly.

a. Style Mapping – You can map the FrameMaker paragraph styles to new styles in RoboHelp and control the indentation and numbering format through the style definition. Through style mapping, you can customize the display as bullet, (a), (i) or 1,2,3.

b. Complex and Nested lists – RoboHelp will convert complex list numbering to a single enumeration, for example, list item with number format 1.1.(a) will be enumerated as (a), preceding 1.1 will be lost. Also, please note that RoboHelp considers the string of building blocks, for example, <n> <n> <a> etc to determine the levels in lists.

c. Ignore Autonumber Properties – You can also select to ignore auto-number properties for specific styles. If you choose to ignore auto numbering, the paragraph style will not be mapped to a HTML list in RoboHelp.

If you choose not to “Convert AutoNumber to HTML list”, all paragraph styles in FrameMaker will be converted to paragraphs and the numbering, bullets etc will become part of the paragraphs. You can still map FrameMaker styles to RoboHelp styles as mentioned in (a) above.
