FrameMaker 8.0.3 Available!
Technical Communication: FrameMaker Archives,FrameMaker,DocTrain,Technical Communication,XML authoring,PDF,CMS,conref,MIF,cross-reference,WebDav,STC,Publishing,Patch,p273
We heard! We worked! We fixed!
Hello everyone
I am just back from the great ‘DocTrain West’ Conference held at Vancouver. I was really excited to discuss the interesting ideas and thoughts you shared with me in relation to both the short term and long term strategies. As I continued meeting you people, some of you told me about a few issues still faced by you in your workflows. We have been listening to you and we have fixed these problems through yet another patch 8.0.3.
FrameMaker 8.0.3 patch is live now and it is available through Adobe Update Manager (AUM). This patch (8.0p276) must be applied on top of 8.0.2 (8.0p273) only. You can check for updates through Help->Updates Menu in FrameMaker. Currently this update is available for English, French and German installations and we would shortly make it available for Japanese too.
With the help of these fixes, following workflows are now enabled/supported:
- DITA conrefs get resolved properly.
- Extended characters do not have a preceding space when using Arial Unicode MS font.
- Higher code point characters are not dropped on MIF open.
- FM catalogs sort properly.
- Quotation marks look as per the expectation in documents with Chinese, Japanese and Korean combination fonts.
- While using combined fonts, non-Asian characters present in the Asian font are now displayed using non-Asian fonts.
- Random letters do not disappear from text line present in oval within anchored Frame.
- Use of page range in Index does not randomly add question marks left and right in the generated index file.
- Characters do not become invisible on the screen on the next line while hyphenating words just before the accented chars.
- The NextPfgTag is correctly applied when pressing Enter at the beginning of the line.
- FM does not crash when a document containing hypertext (spread over two lines) to marker is saved.
- FM spellchecker uses user.dct entries
- History palette records typing command in text line.
- FM does not crash on saving a file after deleting split-ed text line.
- Pressing space button at the start of line does not place cursor at the end of line.
- Drag does not fail even if the target is a locked range.
- For a 3D imported by reference, on moving it from hidden to show all after applying conditional text, the referenced path is not lost.
- FM does not crash when a graphic file with object properties dialog open is overwritten at the system.
- Importing object to the second file when “Quick Access Bar” and “Formatting Bar” are open and then closing the file, does not crash FM.
- Converting a cross-reference to text does not crash FrameMaker when the format of the cross-reference has been edited.
- Performing a find change using the backwards option does not lead to a crash.
- Change All operation of a character does not crash FM.
- When an equation is applied in conditional text and hidden, it does not lead to a crash.
- The hyphenation of words in old Netherland language does not change character case.
- In Netherland language words do not get corrupted when un-hyphenation is done with the words having dieresis.
- Garbage characters are not shown in Tab stop list box if a legacy file containing higher ANSI characters in Align field of decimal tab is opened in FM 8.
- Japanese tab stops now work in FM 8.
This patch has fixes for some more issues not listed above.
Please install this patch on top of 8.0.2, retest your workflows and share your feedback with me.
-Mahesh (