Sending Files for Review: Use

Review,Technical Communication,PDF,Adobe Technical Communication Suite

PDF and Adobe AIR are two most valuable formats for review and commenting. If you are sending your FrameMaker documents as PDF or RoboHelp projects as Adobe AIR, you can send files through e-mail or share over a network drive. If your documents or projects are large as is the case with most technical content, you may exceed the e-mail size limit your organization has. And if you are collaborating across locations, sharing over a network drive is not an easy option. With (free service currently in Beta), you have another alternative. You can upload your PDFs or Adobe AIR files, select the reviewers you want to share your files with (you can manage access rights to your documents) and let them review the files at their end. Since both PDF and Adobe AIR (if you have generated from RoboHelp Packager for Adobe AIR) enable you to export comments as an XML file, the comments can be received simply over e-mail.

For more details on how you can share and send files with, click here.
