A New Beginning
Hello. It has been a long time since I last posted a blog entry. Needless to say, I have been very busy and you will appreciate the same when you try out the latest releases of Adobe RoboHelp 8, Adobe RoboHelp Server 8, Technical Communication Suite 2. Here are the quick links to try out the same:
Adobe RoboHelp 8 – www.adobe.com/go/tryrobohelp
Adobe RoboHelp Server 8 – www.adobe.com/go/tryrobohelpserver
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 2 – www.adobe.com/go/trytcs
Star Attraction – Adobe Photoshop CS4 is now part of TCS
Please note that you shall need to create an Adobe ID (if you don’t have one already) for downloading the trial builds. All trial builds have full functionality and can be used for 30 days. If you decide to Buy, just specify the Serial Number in the Trail Build installation itself.
Since Trial build for TCS is a large binary, we prefer to post you a DVD than have you go through the pain of downloading it.
Click on the Product below to download the Getting Started Guides:
Technical Communication Suite 2
While you enjoy the features in the Trial build, you can refer to the Reviewer’s Guide posted by Vivek Jain and Mahesh for getting an overview of the new features / workflows.
We plan to be more regular in blogging and hence I have termed this post as – “A New Beginning”. It is very clear that I can’t keep this blog alive alone from RoboHelp perspective and hence I have requested Vivek Kumar and Dhiren to join me.
Some of you know that Vivek Kumar is the Engineering Manager for RoboHelp, but one thing that you don’t know is that he is a very good friend of mine and we have been working together in Adobe for good 5 years. Earlier we were together in the Acrobat Desktop team and then shifted to RoboHelp in 2006. I am sure you will enjoy his informative blog entries.
I am also pleased to share with you that Dhiren Manubhai Jani joined us a few weeks back in Product Management and I take this opportunity to introduce him to you.
I am also trying to persuade Sheetal Singh, QA Manager for RoboHelp to join our blog.