Materials for Electronic Closing Binders using Acrobat 9 eSeminar

If you attended my Electronic Closing Binders eSeminar, you’re in the right place! Here are all the materials you seek . . .

Traditionally, at the end of a transaction such as a real estate closing, we would present our client with a binder stuffed full of all of the documents associated with the deal. These “old school” binders were time-consuming to create and costly to distribute. Creating an electronic closing binder in PDF is a far “greener” alternative that saves time and enhances client satisfaction.

You can download my complete guide and a set of slides below:

I created a 36-page guide Creating Electronic Closing Binders using Acrobat 9. This document should give you everything you need to create great closing binders.Download the GuideDownload the Slides

And, the downloads . . .

I’ve placed the files on my file share.

Download the File

Download the Slides

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You are welcome to redistribute the document in its entirety, so go nuts! If you do, I ask that you provide the following attribution:

Creating PDF Electronic Closing Binders with Adobe Acrobat 9 is from the Acrobat for Legal Professionals (Acrolaw) Blog at

What does the document cover?

Here’s the TOC from the document: