Meet Us At WritersUA
Adobe,RoboHelp,RoboHelp Server 8, Technical Communication, WritersUA
With the release of RoboHelp 8, we have added and enhanced several capabilities of RoboHelp. These include
* Enhanced Editing and Layout Capabilities
* Scalable Single Sourcing
* Automation with Built-in Scripting
and many more.
With RoboHelp Server 8 we have also made several improvements over RoboHelp Server 7.
And of course, the** Technical Communication Suite 2 **allows you to use the great features of so many more products.
Now we would like to meet you and get your feedback on these new releases and how they help in your workplace.
The annual WritersUA Conference is happening in Seattle, WA between March 29 and 1 April 2009. I will be attending the conference, and will be present along with other Adobe staff at the Adobe presentation booth.
If you would like to setup a meeting time with me, please drop me a line at dhirenj at adobe dot com
Alternatively, walk up to the booth and ask for me. It will be a pleasure to hear from you.
Dhiren Jani
RoboHelp Product Manager