Applying RoboHelp Service Release 8.0.2
Dear RoboHelp Users,
I’ve received some inquiries seeking more information on applying RoboHelp Service Release 8.0.2 to RoboHelp projects, more so for the projects under Source Control. This post shall answer all such questions.
Please note that Adobe RoboHelp Service Release 8.0.2 is a must apply service release, and you can get this update through Help>Update menu from within RoboHelp 8 or download it from RoboHelp Support Center. Service Release 8.0.1 must be applied before 8.0.2. If you have been affected by the folder/broken links issue, then you need to perform some additional steps (mentioned below) to repair any affected RoboHelp projects.
1. Create a zipped backup of the project.
2. Install the service release.
3. Open the project using the XPJ file and check to see if any broken links are shown in Project Manager.
4. If there are broken links, right click each one in Project Manager and select Restore. It is important the links are repaired this way.
5. Check Tools > Reports > Unused Files and ensure that none of your topics are reported there. If they are, then re-import them.
6. Close the project and create another zipped backup.
7. Delete the CPD file and reopen the project using the XPJ file.
8. Check that no broken links are showing and that there are no unexpected topics showing in Tools > Reports > Unused Files.
These steps apply to all source control systems recognized by RoboHelp. RoboHelp 8 comes with RoboSource Control, and can also be integrated with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe or any other third-party version control package that supports the Microsoft Source Code Control API (SCC API).
Steps 3 to 10 must be undertaken by one author and during that time no one else should access the project.
1. It is recommended that all authors check everything back in to source control.
2. Have all authors on the project make a pre 802 zipped backup of their local copy of the project and close RoboHelp.
3. Install Service Release 8.0.2 on Author 1’s machine.
4. Open the project on that machine using the XPJ file.
5. You will be prompted check out the FPJ files. You must select ‘Yes’.
If you are not prompted, then please check to ensure all FPJ files are checked out. There is one per folder. If the “Display Confirmation dialog…” options are unchecked in the Tools>Options>Version Control tab in RoboHelp, then the files shall be checked out automatically.
6. Check to see if any broken links are shown in Project Manager.
If there are broken links, right click each one in Project Manager and select Restore. It is important the links are repaired this way.
7. Check Tools > Reports > Unused Files and ensure that none of your topics are reported there. If they are, then re-import them.
8. When the project is fully repaired, close it and create another zipped backup.
9. Delete the local CPD file and reopen the project using the XPJ file. This step is not essential, it is more to verify the repair has worked.
10. Check everything back into source control.
11. Get Author 2 to delete the CPD file and re-sync to get the latest project files.
12. Get Author 2 to apply Service Release 8.0.2 and take a fresh copy of the project.
13. Check it can be opened with no errors.
14. Repeat Steps 11, 12 and 13 for all authors.
Service Release 8.0.2 should be applied to all the machines you use. After a project has been opened on a machine with this service release, it should not be opened on an unpatched machine. A warning will be given that the project is from a newer version. You can delete the CPD file and then open the project on the unpatched machine, but you then run the risk of running into the broken links problem again. This practice is hence discouraged.
Hope this helps.
Ankur Jain
Product Manager – RoboHelp