A meeting in Paris!

FrameMaker,Documation,France,Paris,Netherlands, Acrobat,PDF

Dear Framers

Hope all is going well.

Winters are over and the conference season has started. It is always a pleasure to meet many of you during these conferences. Though I may not be making to WritersUA this year but I plan to be there at STC Annual Conference.

It’s interesting to know the growing need of Technical Documentation. Many more events on information sharing are taking place now, especially in Europe.

Yesterday I reached Netherlands. It was good to come here for the first time on this business and people expressed happiness and satisfaction about the great future of the Adobe Technical Communication products.

This year I am also attending the big technical communication conference of France known as Documation (http://www.documation.fr/). This will be held in Paris. I have a special affinity for this wonderful city. Many of you may not know that I studied at ESSEC Business school,Paris long back as part of my MBA.

If you plan to attend Documation, please let me know. It would be great to meet and learn from you.

You can find me at the Adobe booth and my email id is already known to you.

I look forward to meet you.

Take care

– Mahesh