AIR Help to tap into end-user knowledge
In a recent discussion with Jason Nichols, information developer and trainer on the ReadSoft Technical Communications team, on the company’s use of Adobe Technical Communication Suite, we learned that in addition to using the many powerful capabilities offered in the suite toolset, the team is discovering the significant benefits of using Adobe RoboHelp 8 to publish help systems as Adobe AIR applications. With Adobe RoboHelp 8 and Adobe AIR the team provides users with access to its help systems both inside and outside the web browser. These advanced Adobe AIR applications offer capabilities which improve internal help content review processes, expand end-user communities, and enhance help content. Adobe RoboHelp 8 and Adobe AIR are helping to build communities which contribute to the development of richer, more useful help content. This is a great example of the power of Adobe RoboHelp 8 and Adobe AIR. Click here to read more