Removing Acrobat X’s Default Actions

Acrobat X Action Icon

Acrobat X Pro ships with a number of default Actions to help you automate various processes.

While useful, you might wish instead to create some extra room in the Actions Wizard panel so that more of your own custom Actions will appear.

Unfortunately, you cannot delete the default Actions, at least from Acrobat itself.

However, if you have Administrator rights on your PC or Mac, you can remove them.

Removing Acrobat X Pro’s Default Actions

Windows 7 or Vista

  1. Quit Acrobat if it is running
  2. Navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Sequences\ENU
  3. Delete all the files inside this folder
  4. Restart Acrobat

Windows XP

  1. Quit Acrobat if it is running
  2. Navigate to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Sequences\ENU
  3. Delete all the files inside this folder
  4. Restart Acrobat


  1. Quit Acrobat if it is running
  2. Open your Application folder
  3. Locate the Adobe Acrobat X Pro folder and open it
  4. Right-click on Adobe Acrobat and choose Show Package Contents
  5. The Contents folder will appear
  1. Restart Acrobat

Playing Safe You might wish to copy the Default Actions rather than delete them.
