Enhanced Configuration Manager in RoboHelp Server 9
RoboHelp Server comes with a desktop tool called Configuration Manager, using which users can configure RoboHelp Server. Till RoboHelp Server 8, Configuration Manager could only be used to configure the database which was being used with RoboHelp Server. For configuring rest of the settings, users had to manually change certain properties files (which were located in RoboHelp Server installation folder) and then restart the Tomcat service.
But starting with RoboHelp Server 9, users need not worry about any of those properties file buried inside installation folder. Configuration Manager has been enhanced to take care of every setting that can be changed in RoboHelp Server 9 environment. Configuration Manager takes care of starting/stopping Tomcat service after making any changes and hence users need not worry about that either.
Right from creating contexts, editing settings for contexts to deleting them, you can do it all from Configuration Manager.
Users can view settings of any existing context by File->Open Context menu and selecting the desired context from drop down.
Configuration Manager has a neat and intuitive UI with RoboHelp Server settings segregated in following categories
- Database connection
- LDAP configuration
- Default Admin user credentials
- Search Settings
Easier LDAP Integration
With the enhance Configuration Manager UI, integrating RoboHelp Server 9 with LDAP server at your organization is much easier. All the LDAP configuration fields are self-explanatory and have useful tooltips. Here is a description of the LDAP configuration fields:
- LDAP Server URL: The URL of your organization’s LDAP server (including the protocol and port). For example, ldap://myldap.org.com:389
- Base Node For User Search: The LDAP base node within which you want to find users. For example, ou=people,o=myorg.com
- Base Node For Group Search: The LDAP base node within which you want to find groups. For example, ou=groups,o=myorg.com
- User ID Attribute Name: The LDAP node attribute that determines the user ID. For example, uid
- Group ID Attribute Name: The LDAP node attribute that determines the group name. For example, cn
- Group Member Attribute: The attribute of the LDAP group node that determines the members of the group.
Note: You should contact LDAP Server Administrator at your organization for getting these values.
When RoboHelp Server is configured with LDAP, default admin User ID should be set to LDAP user ID of an LDAP user whom should be given admin rights. RoboHelp Server does not store LDAP password for any user. Hence password field of default admin account is disabled for LDAP integration.
Advanced Search Settings
RoboHelp Server uses powerful Lucene Search engine to provide better search experience for WebHelpPro and FlashHelpPro projects published on server. Lucene gives enhanced search experience to users by providing features like Dynamic Search Context, Better CJK Search, Phrase Search, **Wildcard Search, Scheduled Search, External Document Search **etc. and hence Lucene Search is enabled by default. But in case authors do not want to use Lucene Search engine, they can turn it off using the “Search Settings” in Configuration Manager.
Search Settings comprises of following:
- Reindex Documents At Server: Check this checkbox to enable Lucene Search Engine and uncheck it to disable Lucene Search Engine.
- Substring Search Is Enabled For Client Index: This property can be enabled only when Lucene Search Engine is disabled (because RoboHelp Server does not support substring search with Lucene Search Engine). Checking this checkbox enables substring search.
Tulika Goel
Adobe RoboHelp Team