FrameMaker Server 10 – a totally revamped product!
Hello Everyone,
Hope you are well. Pardon my absence during the last few weeks. I was on a Technical Communication Suite 3 roadshow to present the exciting, new things in the recently launched products – FM10, RH9 and TCS3. During my trip, I traveled to 7 cities in Europe and USA over a course of 2 weeks, made 6 presentations and covered 6 timezones !! Whew! Needless to say it was very hectic, but at the same time very enjoyable as I got a chance to meet several FM users and discuss their requirements. You can find the presentations from the roadshow here
Well, today I am going to be describing the new functionality in FrameMaker Server10. It is a totally revamped product in this release as now, it is a true multi channel, multi device publishing solution. Using FM server, you can produce 9 different kind of outputs including PDF, WebHelp and ePub (for publishing to mobile devices and tablets) from a single FM document which can be in .fm format or XML. No problems! Also, you can do automated publishing wherein you can schedule publishing tasks to run at specific times and recurrence frequency. Below, you will find some how-to videos and additional inks to explore the functionality of FM server product.
Create and edit a publishing task in FM server
Use the user-friendly server console window to create new publishing tasks. It is as simple as specifying a source FM document and checking off the outputs you need and where you want them created, and you are done ! Also, you can edit your tasks to change the input source, output formats, scripts and commands to run, and more.
The FM document can be in native .fm format or it can be a XML file / Ditamap. FM server can handle publishing on both kinds of files for you. Furthermore, since there is native connectivity to Document and Sharepoint CMS in FM10, the file that you want to publish can also be picked directly from these two CMSes.
View video in a new browser window.
View video in a new browser window.
Publish to multiple formats and devices
FM server lets you publish to these formats from a single FM document.
- WebHelp
- AIRHelp
- FlashHelp
- Oracle®Help
- Java®Help
- EclipseHelp
- Epub (for mobile devices)
View video in a new browser window.
Hopefully, you will find this functionality useful. Here is the link to the FM server homepage: if you want to learn more about the product.
Until the next blog post,
Kapil Verma
Senior Product Manager – FrameMaker and FrameMaker Server