Customizing Toolbars in Acrobat X

Yesterday, I received a note via email from a consultant who asked:

Why did Adobe eliminate the Previous Page and Next Page buttons from Acrobat X?

Acrobat X (and earlier versions) only display a default set of page navigation tools:

Default navigation toolbar in Acrobat X

Adding in other Tools

It’s easy to add in all of Acrobat’s page navigation tools and— once you do— they stay that way.

Here’s how:

  1. Right-click on the Page Navigation section of the toolbar
  2. Choose the Page Navigation menu item
  3. Choose Show All Page Navigation Tools

Customizing the page navigation tools in Acrobat

Here’s the result after making this change:

Acrobat Toolbar after adding in page navigatio tools

Try Customizing other Toolbars

Try right-clicking on the toolbar and exploring other options to add to the main toolbar.

Here are the ones I normally add: