Configuration settings for Framemaker-CMS integration

With Framemaker 10, it is now possible to work seamlessly with CMS Documentum and SharePoint.
Here are a few initial steps that needs to be done in order to use this CMS integration.

1. Download DFS SDK
DFS SDK needs to be download from EMC website using Powerlink login. Copy it locally.
Specify the path of DFS SDK in Framemaker (CMS->Preferences).

After this step, Framemaker needs to be restarted.

2. Add the FrameMaker types on the Server
Few custom types are required to be installed on the content server for Framemaker. If these types are not created following error will be displayed:“Cant initialize TypeInfoCache: {0}”
To add the FrameMaker types on the Content server, you need Administrator or Create Type privilege. Types for Framemaker can be done in following ways:

• Deploy the DocumentumProject.DAR file in content server (Recommended way)
Steps to deploy DAR file:
Rename to DocumentumProject.DAR
Run darinstaller.exe (It comes as part of installation of EMC Documentum Composer)
Following dialog will appear.
DAR installer

Specify details like location of DAR file, Docbroker host, Port. Click on ‘Connect’.
Repository(s) of Content server will be displayed.
Select Repository from the dropdown, specify User Name, Password. Click on “Install’
After successful installation of DAR file, a message is displayed “(DAR filename).dar installed successfully”


• Run FmDctmSetup.exe present in FrameMaker install directory (\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker10) on the machine where FrameMaker is installed.
The Connection Information dialog appears.
create type UI

Specify the following details and click ‘Create Types’.
After successful creation of types on server, following message is displayed

3. Set up sample Adobe FrameMaker 10 DITA Applications for EMC Documentum Server
A FrameMaker 10 sample application pack is available at
The application pack includes an indicative set of applications to help content administrators configure FrameMaker 10 to author files on Documentum server. Download and install the sample application pack to avoid the warnings and XML parser logs when you work with XML files from Documentum server.


When doing the login on SharePoint using FrameMaker there can be two scenario in terms of username.

  1. When the user account is created at the server itself.

If this is the case than only the username should be used in the login dialog (Domain name or the server name is not required for login).
For Example if the Administrator account is created on the SharePoint server than the login should be something like as shown below.
User created on server

  1. When the user account exists on some domain server

If this is the case than domain name and the username combination should be used for the login to SharePoint from Framemaker.
For example if the domain is ‘domain1’ and account is ‘user1’ than the login should be something like
Domain User

Hope you find this information useful and wishing you have a great Framemaker-CMS integration experience.