Download a PDF Copy of the Acrobat Help File
I recently received this note from a law firm:
I know that Adobe offers online HTML help, but I’d really like to get a PDF copy of the help? Is one available?
Short answers . . . Yes!
Downloading the Help File
Follow these steps to get a PDF copy of the Help file:
- Choose Help>Acrobat X Pro (or Standard) Help or press the F1 key
- The Help file will launch in your default web browser or possibly in the Community Help Viewer
- Click the View Help PDF link in the upper right corner of the window
- The Help PDF will open.
Hover over the bottom of the window until the Heads Up Display (HUD) appears, then click the Floppy Disk icon on the HUD toolbar to save the PDF to a location of your choice.
Using the Help File
When you open the Help file, the Bookmarks panel will open automatically. You can browse through the bookmarks to open the section of your choice.
I also suggest you try using Advanced Search. Choose Edit>Advanced Search to open the Advanced Search window and enter the term of your choice.
Advanced Search lists all the “hits” within the document. For example, when I typed in PDF/A as my search term, here was the result … 67 hits!
Just click on any of the results to go directly to that page in the PDF and highlight the term.