Anywhere, anytime – meeting the mobile and handheld challenge [VIDEO]

Content lives everywhere – No longer content to sit at a PC only, today people want their information and multimedia within reach, wherever they happen to be. With the abundance of multimedia devices and digital gadgets, publishers are looking for means to take their content to the mobiles, tablets, eBook readers and more.

Device independence with the ePub format standard – Enterprise adoption of tablets has been rapid, benefiting from inroads made by the first wave of mobile devices. Technical communication toolkits need to have the flexibility to “push” content out to many of the advanced hand-held devices for true anywhere, anytime consumption. Adobe RoboHelp’s new ePub Standard Output provides an easy solution. RoboHelp 9 has a “wizard-driven” workflow that makes the process easy.

To learn more about the ePub format, see my earlier post ePub: Industry-standard file format for reflowable content

Here’s how easy it is to create ePub for mobile and handheld devices using Adobe RoboHelp 9 and/or FrameMaker 10.
(Click the play button to view an online Adobe Captivate animated demonstration)

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Are you considering going mobile? Please leave a comment and share the key drivers for going mobile, and your strategy for “mobilizing” your content .

Ankur Jain
Product Manager – Technical Communication Suite | RoboHelp
Follow me on Twitter: @ankurjain8