Switcher Program for User Assistance Professionals: Upgrade to RoboHelp
It’s RoboHelp’s 20th anniversary year and we are celebrating it by offering you unprecedented value for your money.
Why settle for any other Help Authoring Tool when you can use the best? Switch to Adobe RoboHelp from MadCap Flare, Author-it, or Doc-To-Help and get 40% off! Go now!
We’ve been hearing from user assistance professionals that they want to switch to RoboHelp. There have been enough and more reasons to switch in the past (detailed list here):
- User-friendly, intuitive interface of the WYSIWYG editor in RoboHelp 9
- Next-generation collaboration and review workflows
- Innovative and unique features to power progressive help documentation
- Dynamic user-centric content
- Integrate Google Search and Google Analytics
- External content search
- Community-generated content
- Automated context-sensitive help authoring
- Next-generation help documentation with Adobe AIR Help 2.0
- Content curation and moderation-enabled commenting
- Professional, personalized, and customizable appearance
- EPUB output for multidevice publishing
- Unparalleled integration with other Adobe products like FrameMaker, Acrobat, Captivate, Photoshop
And now, if you still needed more reasons, we offer you a great discount if you switch over to RoboHelp. So waste no time, come become a part of the Adobe family.
Useful links:
- RoboHelp Switcher Homepage: http://www.adobe.com/products/robohelp/switch.html
- Customer testimonials for RoboHelp: http://www.adobe.com/products/robohelp/switch.displayTab2.html
- RoboHelp Resource Centre: http://www.adobe.com/products/robohelp/switch.displayTab3.html
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Adobe-Technical-Communication-Professionals-Group/208757605828725
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=2381149&trk=anet_ug_hm