Come Celebrate with Adobe at LavaCon 2011!

It’s the year of Anniversaries! What we began at the Adobe TechComm Enterprise Summits, continues at LavaCon 2011 as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of FrameMaker and the 20th anniversary of RoboHelp. Find several opportunities to rejoice with the Adobe Product Management team as well as learn from some of the technical communication industry luminaries. Share your experiences and feedback. Influence the future product roadmap.

We hope to see many known faces as well as new ones at this year’s LavaCon! We hope all who make it there, go back a part of Adobe’s extended family.

Looking forward to some cheers before the holiday season even sets in!

Ankur Jain
Product Manager – Technical Communication Suite | RoboHelp | RoboHelp Server
Follow me on Twitter: @ankurjain8