Key Trends in Software User Assistance: Part 1 of a 2-Part Whitepaper

A very Happy New Year to all readers!

Whitepaper screenshot We are pleased to announce the release of the first part of the whitepaper “Key Trends in Software User Assistance”. This is the first of a two-part series discussing the current and future trends associated with software user assistance.

Joe Welinske of WritersUA (who needs no further introduction) has authored this insightful whitepaper that covers a lot of ground in about six pages. The table of contents for the whitepaper is available below:

The whitepaper has some very useful insights, many of them based on WritersUA surveys. For example, did you know:

Download the PDF version (approx. 2MB) – Happy reading! Joe_Welinske

And once the whitepaper has piqued your interest, do not forget to:

Best Wishes,

Team TechComm @ Adobe