Adobe RoboHelp 9 ACE exam is now available!
Become an ACE in Adobe RoboHelp 9 by taking the Adobe Certified Expert exam. The Adobe RoboHelp 9 certification exam comprises of 66 multiple-choice questions and you will need a minimum of 62% to pass the exam. The certification exam has a time limit of 75 minutes, and includes a timer to mark the remaining time.
Exam Registration:
Follow this link to register for the exam and take your first step to become an ACE in Adobe RoboHelp 9!
Exam Preparation:
The following are typical tasks that you should already be able to perform:
- Author content targeted toward end users including manuals, online tutorials, and knowledgebase articles
- Manage content workflows that incorporate collaboration with other authors and subject matter experts
- Create help content that provides access to external Web content
- Create context-sensitive help
- Create content that can be distributed/published via multichannels and multidevices including CHM/HTML, Adobe AIR, PDF, and EPUB
- Use supplied scripts
- Use existing skins and edit skins (WebHelp and AIR Help)
- Imports external content (for example, Microsoft Word, Adobe FrameMaker, XML, and HTML files)
- Create content such that it can be easily reused
Exam Topics include:
- Customizing the environment (workspace) and application
- Given a scenario, create an environment
- Given a scenario, configure application- and project-level settings (General, Recent Projects, and File Association tabs)
- Creating and managing projects
- Create a project by selecting the appropriate settings in the New Project Wizard dialog box
- Create and import topics into a project
- Given a scenario, create a merged project
- Given a scenario, generate reports and identify solutions for reported problems
- Editing topics
- Given a property of a topic, explain the purpose of that property. (Properties include: title, master page, status, indexing, search keyword, exclude from search)
- Change the appearance of a topic by using style sheets and master pages
- Importing content
- Evaluate and modify a Microsoft Word document to ensure it can be efficiently imported into RoboHelp
- Evaluate and modify a FrameMaker doc to ensure it can be efficiently imported into RoboHelp
- Import XML files
- Working with styles and master pages
- Create style sheets
- Create master pages
- Create and use styles
- Creating and managing lists and tables
- Create and manage lists
- Create and manage tables
- Creating links and user navigation
- Create and edit links
- Create and manage bookmarks
- Create and manage TOCs
- Create and manage indexes
- Create and manage See Also and Related Topics buttons
- Create an image map link
- Create and manage breadcrumb navigation
- Create and manage glossaries
- Inserting graphics and multimedia
- Insert and manage graphics
- Given a multimedia type, insert and manage that multimedia type. (Multimedia types include: Captivate, MP3, SWF, AVI, FLV)
- Creating and editing reusable content
- Create and manage User Defined Variables
- Create and manage snippets
- Use Resource Manager to create, manage, and share resources
- Inserting DHTML
- Create and manage User Defined Variables
- Create and manage drop-down menus
- Create and manage expanding hotspots
- Create and manage text-only popups
- Creating conditional build tags
- Create and manage conditional build tags
- Attach conditional build tags to project assets
- Create conditional output
- Implementing context-sensitive Help
- Given a scenario, identify the tasks a content author performs to implement context-sensitive Help
- Implement automatic CSH mapping
- Given a scenario, identify the steps to test context-sensitive Help
- Managing the spell checker and search
- Manage language settings and dictionaries
- Create and manage keywords and synonyms
- Given a set of user requirements, set up search
- Implement external content search
- Generating and distributing output
- Given a Single Source Layout, select the appropriate properties for that Single Source Layout. (Single Source Layouts include: FlashHelp, HTML Help, WebHelp, Adobe AIR, Printed Documentation, XML Layout ePub Format).
- Given a set of user requirements, generate a Single Source Layout
- Given a Single Source Layout, create a checklist for distributing the output
- Implementing review and collaboration
- Implement different types of review and collaboration
- Import and manage comments and tracked changes
- Working with skins
- Create and manage skins
- List and describe the functionality of the WebHelp Skin Editor
- Given a scenario, determine which type of skin should be used. (Skin types include: AIR Help, FlashHelp, and WebHelp)
- Automating tasks
- Given a scenario, configure a script
- Create, manage, and run scripts
- Working with other applications
- Manage linked FrameMaker and Word documents
- Given a scenario, identify the benefits of hosting the output on a RoboHelp server
- Given a scenario, identify the benefits of using RoboSource Control
- Create, edit, and manage screen captures by using RoboScreenCapture
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Good luck!
Ankur Jain
Product Manager – Technical Communication Suite | RoboHelp | RoboHelp Server
Follow me on Twitter: @ankurjain8