Consolidated list of RoboHelp 10 and TCS 4 reviews

Hello All,

We wanted to share a consolidated list of reviews of RoboHelp 10 and the Technical Communication Suite 4. We will be adding to this list as more reviews become available. Hopefully, this serves as a useful central resource for those of you looking for expert and neutral opinions.

  1. Peter Grainge on the new features in RoboHelp 10
  2. Colum McAndrew‘s review named “These are a few of my favorite things
  3. Tony Self of HyperWrite writes the RoboHelp 10 review
  4. Mike McCallister‘s first look (here) and a more detailed review (here) on TechWhirl
  5. Mathew Ellison comments on RoboHelp 10 on the UA Europe blog
  6. Kevin Siegel on the Multiscreen HTML5 publishing feature in RoboHelp 10
  7. RoboHelp 10 – The Engine that Could! by Beth Gerber of Lightext
  8. RoboHelp 10 review written in German by Robert Hinesley of Comet Computer GmbH
  9. Alan Houser reviews TCS4 (here)
  10. Connie Giordano takes a first look (here) at TCS 4 on TechWhirl
  11. Danielle M. Villegas, the TechCommGeekMom, reviews TCS 4 (here)

More to follow soon…


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