Publishing your first project on RoboHelp Server 9

Once you have created a help project, you can choose a layout between Flash Help Pro and Web Help Pro for publishing on your RoboHelp server. The server only supports these two SSL types for publishing.

You will have to add the server location and specify the context name for which you would like to publish.

Let’s look at the configurations required for RoboHelp Server in Web Help Pro:

Click the image to enlarge it.

RoboHelp server details for WebHelp Pro

RoboHelp server details for WebHelp Pro

  1. Configure all settings for your project like TOC, Index, Search, and additional navigation.
  2. Select New on the Publish Window and add your Server details.
  1. Select OK once completed.
  2. Click Save and Generate to compile the output and choose Publish option to write these files on the Server machine.

Viewing Output on the Server

  1. Open a Web Browser and log on to the RoboHelp Server.
  2. Click the image to enlarge it.
  1. After logging on to the Server, go to Project Tab, choose your Published Project and View project from the Server.
    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. RoboHelp server web admin screen

  3. RoboHelp server web admin screen


Submitted by: Anjaneai Srivastava, Tech Support Consultant