[Adobe Turns 30!] The Future of Content and Marketing

Today Adobe completes 30 years! In human terms, that’s a big leap, often interpreted as moving “from the terrific twenties to the terrible thirties”. Days like these are brought in with champagne and celebrations – a moment to say goodbye to an era and also one to welcome the next. A very big word of thanks to the millions of people around the world who have created, used, enjoyed, and critiqued our creations.

I would like to celebrate this occasion with a look at content and marketing, the core of what Adobe’s present and future is based on. The source of this chain of thought was my recent keynote address at the Society of Technical Communication’s Annual Summit in Bangalore. I focused on the key trends on the content space from the perspective of a writer, a reader and a marketer of content. I will use a similar approach here to explain the way we’re headed in terms of marketing in at least the next year (a safe bet, isn’t it?).

There have been several predictions about the future of technology that went horribly bad (some worse than a botched up face-lift). So I will keep mine firmly rooted in trends that already have us by the scruff of the neck.

As a writer

As a result, the implications for the content creator and marketer are:

As a reader

The implications? Here goes:

And finally, as a marketer

So the implications (and I promise this is the last time) are:

The overall impact for content creators is that we will have to know and understand our audience even better and cater to their needs in every possible way. Design and media will be our tools and means but understanding and aiding the correct consumer behavior will be most rewarded. From the perspective of the marketer, content is going to be a key differentiator and knowing the consumer (who using social media is also a creator) of the content will make all the difference.