An Easy “How To” session on Merged Help

Many people who move into powerful Help Authoring solutions like RoboHelp 10 eventually reach the point where they have perhaps a dozen related Help projects which they wish to deliver as a single package. It is possible to merge multiple Help projects into one seamless library.

Lightext Inc.’s Beth Gerber recently made a guest webinar appearance with Adobe Tech Comm in which she shared a highly effective step-by-step demo of how to create merged Help with RoboHelp 10. This blog summarizes key points from that webinar, but you may view a recording of “Merged Help Magic with RoboHelp10” by clicking here.

What is Merged Help?

Beth shared a very logical definition that framed her demo:

Why use Merged Help?

The following screen capture from Beth’s slides includes a good example of organization for Merged Help:

01 shot org chart

Summary of steps shared through demo of RoboHelp 10 Merged Help

  1. Create a parent project
  2. Merge child projects into the parent project
  3. Set up the first page redirect
  4. Create links between projects
  5. Run the merged webhelp output
  6. Test the output
  7. Develop topics for an instructional project including, What’s New, Helpful Hints, and Revision pages.
  8. Manage the merged help system

Have your own hands-on with RoboHelp 10 and decide how you can use it

After watching the webinar, you may wish to have your own hands-on with RoboHelp. The quickest way to do this is to have use a trial copy of Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes FrameMaker 11 and RoboHelp 10. You can try your own hands-on by clicking here. This link also includes a link to a Quick Start Guide for RoboHelp.