Top 10 most read blogs on TechComm Central
In 2012 we rechristened and redesigned our blog. TechComm Central by Adobe drew more than 100K visits by almost 50K unique visitors. Numbers were encouraging and we intend to increase them further based on new and interesting content offerings.
The top 10 most read blogs are listed below in no particular order:
- The list includes all of our launch blogs:
- Kapil Verma’s consolidated list of FrameMaker 11 reviews that keeps growing longer.
- A similar list of RoboHelp and TechComm Suite reviews
- Maxwell Hoffmann’s review of Neil Perlin’s whitepaper and webinar on top 10 mistakes to avoid when starting an online help project
- Max’s review of the Branham Group paper on top 1o trends driving the technical communication industry. (Phew! Lots of top 10’s on this page, isn’t it?!)
- John Daigle guest blog on coming home to Adobe RoboHelp after a fling with MadCap Flare. Come back home, everybody!
- Our Facebook page contest called the TechComm Conundrum where participants had to solve techcomm puzzles to help us find our tech writer Tina
Happy reading!
Team TechComm @ Adobe