Cognitive Design and User Assistance
Ray Gallon or The HumanistNerd just completed a fabulous series of webinars for fans of User Assistance.
The complexity of today’s technical products means ‘how-to’ information may no longer provide users with all they need. More than procedures, users need to acquire skills and concepts that enable them to be autonomous, make decisions, and work quickly and efficiently today and in the future.
This series of webinars looks at users as learners, and applies ideas from cognitive development theory to the design and execution of user assistance. It then shows how these ideas can be extended to create added value through communities of learning. The practical illustrations in these webinars are based on using DITA structures.
In case you missed the live sessions with Ray, you can still catch up with the session’s recordings and slides [signup required].
Session 1: Users Become Learners
Session 2: Empowering User/Learners Through Cognitive Development
Session 3: Integrated Learning: Building Customer Loyalty
Happy viewing!