VIDEO: Adobe TCS FrameMaker publish to HTML5 via RoboHelp with “Defaults”
Many of us have heard about publishing from FrameMaker 11 to HTML5 “via RoboHelp 10” in Tech Comm Suite 4.0. But just how much work does this involve, anyway? Surprisingly, not very much.
Although it is relatively easy to either create or modify your own RoboHelp project, Adobe thoughtfully planted a built-in “Default” RoboHelp project withing FrameMaker 11 when it is installed as part of Tech Comm Suite 4.0. As the YouTube video below shows, you can simply select a book, choose File->Publish, and just choose a location for your HTML5 output to be stored. Blank fields will resort to the built-in default project, and help you achieve attractive results based on your FrameMaker styles and defaults.
See the video and find out for yourself
Just click on the video below and found out just how easy this process can be. Watch for more video updates on YouTube and AdobeTV regarding RoboHelp and Tech Comm Suite soon.
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