Part (8) Reasons to upgrade from FM 7.x to FM 11: “Real” support for DITA
Amongst the many compelling reasons for upgrading from FrameMaker 7.x to FrameMaker 11, real “out-of-the-box” DITA support would surely be near the top of the list. Although FrameMaker 7.x was a competent and potent structured editor in its day, it was developed before most major milestones in DITA development and approval were achieved.
A timeline of DITA and FrameMaker 7.x development
The list below shows the dates for DITA milestones, interspersed with release dates for the 3 version of FrameMaker 7.x. As you can tell at a glance, the last version of FrameMaker 7.x (V7.2) came out too late to even support DITA v1.0:
- DITA: March 2001 Introduction by IBM of the core DTD and XML Schema
- FrameMaker 7.0 released in 2002
- DITA: May 2002 Domain specialization added to topic specialization
- FrameMaker 7.1 released in 2003
- DITA: April 2004 OASIS Technical Committee for DITA formed
- DITA: February 2005 SourceForge begins DITA Open Toolkit support
- FrameMaker 7.2 released in 2005
- DITA: June 2005 DITA v1.0 approved as an OASIS standard
- DITA: August 2005 DITA Open Toolkit v1.1 is released
- DITA: March 2006 OASIS launches
- DITA: August 2007 DITA V1.1 is approved by OASIS, including Bookmap specialization
- DITA: December 2010 DITA V1.2 is approved by OASIS
Limitations of the FrameMaker 7.x structured editor
As covered at the end of our previous blog, “Part 7: Reasons to upgrade from FM 7.x to FM 11: XML and Structured Editing”, FrameMaker 7.x had a structured editor that only supported direct editing and authoring of proprietary, binary FrameMaker format documents, which happened to contain full XML structure. The illustration below was pulled from page 75 of the FrameMaker 7.2 Structure Application Developer’s Guide. This diagram makes it evident that structured application files (especially Read/Write Rules) controlled the “save as XML” function and also the ability to open XML files as structured binary *.fm files.
FrameMaker 7.2 was released with a “DITA starter kit” which included sample application files and guidelines for developing a structured application that would allow structured FrameMaker 7.2 documents to “parallel” DITA. In theory, with considerable customized development, the publisher would be able to “save as XML” to DITA compliant structure, and bring DITA files back into structured binary FrameMaker format.
There were, however, considerable limitations. The screen shot below shows the cover of the FM7.2 DITA starter kit documentation (4 pages long) and a disclaimer paragraph from the last page. Note: click on any of the images for a larger view.
This is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, FrameMaker 7.2 was release seven years ago. And DITA itself has changed a great deal over that period of time.
Early DITA support in FrameMaker 7.2 was basically a “prototype”
Other limitations of early DITA “support” are evident in the screen capture below, drawn from the FrameMaker 7.2 Reviewer’s Guide. The red squares emphasize some elements that are clearly proprietary to FrameMaker 7.2. Clearly, <adobeindexterm>, <adobe fig> and <adobeimage> are not native or valid DITA element names.
With considerable effort using processing instructions and XSLT style sheets, it may have been possible to convert these elements to correct DITA names. That effort would certainly be beyond the ability of the average user.
In contrast, the FrameMaker 11 screen capture below shows an edited version of one of the sample files from DITA Open Toolkit, showing correct names for <indexterm>, <fig> and <image>. These elements are freely available from the element catalog provided by the built-in DITA structured application in FrameMaker 11.
Improved DITA editing with “strawman” for new documents
FrameMaker 11 allows novices to swiftly create correct DITA structure by generating “fill in the blank” example text. In the screen shot below, the user has simply use the DITA pull down menu to create a new topic.
SMART PASTE from unstructured data into DITA
FrameMaker 11 has a tremendous time-save: the ability to copy unstructured data (like Word, Excel, etc.) and to “smart paste” it into an appropriate point into an XML or DITA document. The screen shots below illustrate the process. This powerful capability is built into the FrameMaker 11 and does not require any set up by the customer.
The screen shot below shows portion of a typical Word document that is being copied to the clipboard.
The shot below shows how the right mouse button is used to invoke the smart paste command at the correct insertion point in the structure window.
The screen shot below shows the result: correct structure and reasonable formatting of content that came in from Word. Incidentally, the embedded graphic from Word has been converted into a referenced graphic in JPEG of reasonable resolution.
Complete DITA support in FrameMaker 11
In the ensuing ten years since the initial release of FrameMaker 7.0, FrameMaker has undergone extensive development that dramatically improved the structured editor and structured applications which support XML and DITA. Unlike FrameMaker 7.x, the current release of FrameMaker 11 (a) enables direct opening and saving of XML files with no “save as” conversion feature, (b) allows XML or DITA files to be saved in a FrameMaker book and (c) opens support for directly opening, saving or creating a dita map.
Full support for DITA 1.1 and DITA 1.2 standards
It would take half a dozen blogs to fully cover all of the major features of DITA 1.2 fully supported in FrameMaker. For a dynamic look at some of these features, you may wish to download the PDF versios of the FrameMaker 11 Reviewer’s Guide; both of these documents are embedded with narrated Captivate “movies” of key features. Just look for “Enhanced DITA Support” in the PDF Bookmarks.
The following list summarizes some key DITA features supported in FrameMaker 11 that you will not find in FrameMaker 7.x:
- User friendly UI for DITA maps, bookmaps and DITA Resource Manager - Support for DITA 1.1 - DITA files can be opened or saved on HTTP paths with direct access to Content Management Systems (CMS). - Save DITA map as a composite FrameMaker document or book - Save DITA map directly as PDF - DITA conditional processing is now enabled - Support for DITA Specialization - Support for DITA Relationship Table - Create conrefs to an image, table or table-components. Conref supported in DITA maps - Enhanced FrameMaker cross reference support with DITA link support - DITA indexing specialization allows for Index, See and See Also entries.
- Map-level support extended to <keydef> element, <title> element support in <reltables> and <topicset> groups a set of topics together - Conref range support - Updates to Conref Range content - Support for <topicsetref> - DITA specialization supported - Can switch to Resource Manager (RM) or Document View in a dita map - Insert Child/Sibling (topicset or topicgroup to a dita map) - Drag and Drop across dita maps - Insert multiple Topicref elements in a dita map
As mentioned earlier, all of these DITA 1.1 and DITA 1.2 features are supported in FrameMaker 11 “out-of-the-box.” No special files or toolkits need be downloaded to invoke these features. As documented in many of our recorded eSeminars, FrameMaker 11 is a full-fledged DITA editor.
Prove FrameMaker 11’s DITA support with your own hands-on
Since earlier versions of FrameMaker had extremely limited DITA support, there are still some skeptics out there who are not convinced that FrameMaker 11 is a “true” DITA editor. If you have any lingering doubts, we encourage you to do the following, simple exercise:
- Download and install a trial version of FrameMaker 11
- Download the DITA Open Toolkit
- Go into the [Samples] folder of DITA Open Toolkit
- Use FrameMaker to open up the file “taskbook.ditamap”
(The built-in DITA Open Tool kit compliant structured application will automatically be invoked) - With taskbook.ditamap selected, _hold down the shift _key and select the pull-down menu File->Open all files in DitaMap
- Eventually all of the files will open, and you have sample content directly drawn from the DITA Open toolkit, opened error-free!
Another benefit to FrameMaker 11: a migration path to DITA
Many content creators are ready to make the move to DITA, but have a huge amount of unstructured legacy documents, often in Microsoft Word or unstructured FrameMaker. FrameMaker 11 has an excellent Word filter and will do an admirable job of converting Word files to unstructured FrameMaker. Upgrade from FrameMaker 7.x and let FrameMaker 11 be your pathway to DITA. It is probably one of the most painless ways you can swiftly achieve structured content that is ready to be transformed into a variety of deliverable formats. FrameMaker 7.x was a very capable product “back in the day,” but it’s time to move on up to FrameMaker 11 to ensure that your content is as flexible and as reusable as possible.
Have your own hands-on with FrameMaker 11 and decide how you can use it
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 includes FrameMaker 11, which is an excellent authoring solution and also a versatile structured editor for DITA/XML. The possibilities with these new tools are as limitless as the profiles of our existing and potential customers. To discover how you can use FrameMaker, download a trial copy of FrameMaker 11 today. After having your own hands-on, you may decide in favor of the best bargain of all, obtaining a cloud subscription to the entire Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes RoboHelp 10, Captivate 6 and other products in addition to FrameMaker 11.