Ads that work harder for your money

With so many key­words, plat­forms and options, it can be dif­fi­cult to find a solu­tion to man­age and opti­mise your paid search ad spend. For exam­ple, First Choice, the UK’s lead­ing leisure trav­el com­pa­ny, need­ed to man­age over a mil­lion key­words in their online adver­tis­ing campaigns.

“We esti­mat­ed that to opti­mise every key­word in our account it would take around 35 days, just to do once. We clear­ly need­ed some­thing to help us with that” — Chris Fen­some, TUI Trav­el UK (par­ent com­pa­ny of First Choice)

First Choice and the Adobe Media Opti­miz­er team worked togeth­er to auto­mate their paid search cam­paigns, lead­ing to some impres­sive results includ­ing an increased CTR of 56% in just four months. Watch this short video to learn more.

So what should brands focus on to get the most out of their paid search cam­paigns? Here are our top tips:

  1. Link your ads with your inventory
    New tech­nol­o­gy means adver­tis­ers can link direct­ly to stock infor­ma­tion and auto­mate the process so ads are always up-to-date. Cus­tomers no longer click to find an offer has end­ed and adver­tis­ers no longer lose bud­get with inac­cu­rate pay-per-click ads.
  2. Tai­lor results to cus­tomer intent
    It’s impor­tant to know where a cus­tomer is in the pur­chase fun­nel – if they are only doing research, don’t send them through to inven­to­ry. Dif­fer­ent lev­els of mes­sag­ing for dif­fer­ent lev­els of the fun­nel will help you and your poten­tial cus­tomers. Don’t for­get about retar­get­ing – your return­ing cus­tomers are as valu­able as new ones. Don’t neglect ads for those who have already vis­it­ed or pur­chased, but instead use stronger call-to-action for retar­get­ing ads.
  3. A lot hap­pens before the con­ver­sion click
    60–90% of cus­tomers research their pur­chase through a search engine. It’s impor­tant to under­stand the jour­ney a cus­tomer will take before mak­ing an online pur­chase. Four to six inter­ac­tions might take place before a con­ver­sion click, so take the user jour­ney into con­sid­er­a­tion when plan­ning dis­play and search campaigns.
  4. **Opti­mise on more than one chan­nel, and do it effectively
    **Mobile and tablet use is hav­ing a huge impact on ensur­ing cam­paigns are opti­mised for cross plat­form. Don’t serve an ad to a mobile that puts users through to a non-mobile site. It’s up to your brand to deliv­er the same infor­ma­tion over mul­ti­ple chan­nels, so ensure prod­uct infor­ma­tion and prices are the same, regard­less of the plat­form. When run­ning mul­ti-chan­nel mar­ket­ing cam­paigns, be sure your search and dis­play ads are tar­get­ing for search terms from the cam­paign – if you don’t do it, your com­peti­tors will. And with the launch of Google enhanced cam­paigns, make sure you use mobile mul­ti­pli­er to adjust the mobile bid and take advan­tage of the low­er cost of the mobile device.
  5. Con­nect offline with online
    Yahoo! research found that up to 60% of sales are researched online and pur­chased offline. You can track this with spe­cial offers and redemp­tion codes for online or in-store use. This will help you see which search terms cus­tomers use, even if they don’t buy online.
  6. Don’t for­get about social
    Plat­forms like Face­book have come a long way as a per­for­mance mar­ket­ing chan­nel. It offers spe­cif­ic tar­get­ing such as inter­est and demo­graph­ic for a rel­a­tive­ly low cost. Geo-tar­get­ing means ads can be loca­tion spe­cif­ic down to the city. You can even gath­er cus­tomer opt-ins through offers, check-in deals and sweepstakes.

We all wish we had more, but maybe the solu­tion is spend­ing what you have more wise­ly. Stay on point, on time and on bud­get with Adobe Media Optimizer.

Learn how Adobe AdLens (part of the Adobe Media Opti­miz­er solu­tion) can help you get the most out of your money.