Adobe is named the leader in web content management for digital customer experience – Forrester Wave

On 8 April, For­rester Research, Inc. pub­lished their lat­est report on Web Con­tent Man­age­ment (WCM) and ranked Adobe as the leader.

The report, The For­rester Wave™: Web Con­tent Man­age­ment for Dig­i­tal Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence, Q2 2013 placed Adobe as the only solu­tion in the lead­ers cat­e­go­ry based on our scores in cur­rent offer­ing, strat­e­gy and mar­ket presence.

Adobe was among the select companies that Forrester invited to participate in its April 8, 2013 Forrester Wave report Web Content Management For Digital Customer Experience, Q2 2013. In this evaluation, Adobe was cited as a leader in WCM.

Adobe was among the select com­pa­nies that For­rester invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in its April 8, 2013 For­rester Wave report Web Con­tent Man­age­ment For Dig­i­tal Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence, Q2 2013. In this eval­u­a­tion, Adobe was cit­ed as a leader in WCM.

“Adobe pro­vides a sol­id set of tools to enable busi­ness users to man­age expe­ri­ences,” the report states.

Man­ag­ing web­sites doesn’t have to be a strug­gle, but dig­i­tal mar­keters need more than a few tools to get the job done. For­rester found Adobe solu­tions to have the most intu­itive UI of the group.

Adobe inte­grates WCM with dig­i­tal asset man­age­ment, social com­mu­ni­ties, ana­lyt­ics, con­tent tar­get­ing and even opti­mi­sa­tion offerings.

“Adobe has made progress inte­grat­ing the CQ5 WCM prod­uct with its oth­er prod­ucts, par­tic­u­lar­ly ana­lyt­ics, test­ing, and opti­mi­sa­tion,” the report says. “The strength of Adobe’s plat­form and the company’s resources make it the ven­dor to beat in the DX space.”

The report also includes a look at the lat­est trends in the WCM mar­ket, as well as the role of WCM in defin­ing the dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences pre­sent­ed to customers.

It’s worth a read, and you can get a free copy of the report right here.