Be prepared: make the most of your Adobe Summit experience

Not long to go till Adobe Sum­mit hits Lon­don on 24–25 April! Are you ready to talk the talk and walk the walk? BS detec­tors will be out in full force so here are some tips to make sure you’re in the know at Summit.

Mar­ket­ing can be BS

The old way of mar­ket­ing isn’t right for the dig­i­tal land­scape; you can’t send out the same mes­sage in a vari­ety of chan­nels and expect engage­ment. So it’s out with the old and in with the new. When it’s done right and tar­get­ed prop­er­ly, mar­ket­ing is not BS. Find out what the cus­tomer real­ly wants — then you can start solv­ing real prob­lems. Check out the Mar­ket­ing Inno­va­tions track to upgrade your insights and strategies.

You don’t need buzz­words to impress

Don’t wor­ry about what oth­ers are say­ing; show off your exper­tise with real exam­ples and insights, not fluff.

Be bet­ter, faster and more insightful

Big data doesn’t have to be a drag. At Sum­mit, learn how big brands are using tools to glean insights, faster than ever. Real-time ana­lyt­ics means real-time change and results. Attend ses­sions in the Dig­i­tal Ana­lyt­ics track to learn how to put those num­bers to work.

Myths bust­ed

We’ll have lots of ses­sions to bust myths such as ‘social media is worth­less’ and oth­er mar­ket­ing lore. Learn how Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud can help bust your own myths with our pre­con­fer­ence train­ing on 22–23 April 2013.

Be social

We’ll be work­ing hard to bring you the lat­est infor­ma­tion from Sum­mit via our social media chan­nels. Be sure to fol­low @AdobeSummit / #Adobe­Sum­mit for real-time infor­ma­tion and check out our Sum­mit social media resources.

Once you’re at Sum­mit, be sure to talk to exhibitors, pre­sen­ters and oth­er atten­dees to get the most out of your expe­ri­ence. And don’t for­get to stop by the Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud booth to see our tools in action and speak to the team.

See you at Summit!