Adobe Summit Kicks off in London! Day One Recap

Adobe Sum­mit hit Lon­don today with over 2,500 dig­i­tal mar­keters, part­ners, agen­cies, ana­lysts and jour­nal­ists from 38 coun­tries rep­re­sent­ing every con­ti­nent. This year, our Euro­pean Sum­mit is big­ger than ever, hav­ing dou­bled in size from just two years ago. So far today Adobe Sum­mit has had over 5,000 social mentions.

Adobe Summit 2013, London

We made two big announce­ments today at Sum­mit: pre­dic­tive pub­lish­ing for Adobe Social and our new glob­al part­ner­ship with Sapi­ent­Ni­tro.

Adobe SVP Brad Rencher opened Sum­mit with his keynote, “The Last Mil­lisec­ond,” where he spoke about that deci­sive moment between an action — a click, tap or swipe – and the expe­ri­ence. His tips for the last mil­lisec­ond: lis­ten, pre­dict, assem­ble and deliver.

“If your ana­lyt­ics is bro­ken, your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing is bro­ken” so true brad so true @adobe­sum­mit

— anna8988 (@anna8988) April 24, 2013

Join­ing Brad were Philippe Baum­lin, an IT Pro­gram Direc­tor with­in the glob­al IT depart­ment of Chanel and Alessan­dro Colafranceschi, Uni­Cred­it Group’s Glob­al Head of Online & Mobile Bank­ing. Both spoke to their unique brands’ use of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing to reach and engage customers.

Great see what #Chanel is doing in the dig­i­tal space with Adobe tech­nol­o­gy. Oth­er lux­u­ry brands should take note! #Adobe­Sum­mit

— Raj Jade­ja (@RajJadeja) April 24, 2013

“Dig­i­tal is data” wise words from Uni­Cred­it. #Adobe­Sum­mit

— Åsa Jon­s­son (@sayonsson) April 24, 2013

The day con­tin­ued with break­outs over the six dif­fer­ent tracks. From social, to ana­lyt­ics, mar­ket­ing and tech, atten­dees had their pick of a wide vari­ety of ses­sions host­ed by indus­try leaders.

The final ses­sion of the day, with Adobe Pres­i­dent of EMEA, Mark Zablan, spoke about ‘Mar­keters as the cus­to­di­ans of dig­i­tal’. He gave mar­keters 3 mandates:

  1. Engage everywhere
  2. Embrace rock­et science
  3. Con­nect the dots

Roys­ton Sea­ward from Deloitte and Nissan’s Bastien Schupp took the stage to speak to their brands posi­tion in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing with more and more users going dig­i­tal and the auto­mo­tive indus­try play­ing catch up.

Nike’s Ste­fan Olan­der and AKQA founder Ajaz Ahmed talked about ‘hav­ing the balls to make the calls’ when deci­sions need to be made. They even wowed the audi­ence with an exclu­sive show­ing of a pro­to­type image of the orig­i­nal Nike Fuel Band.

They left Sum­mit atten­dees with one thought: “The most pow­er­ful force in the uni­verse isn’t tech­nol­o­gy. It’s imag­i­na­tion.” A pro­found way to end day one.

Imag­i­na­tion is the most pow­er­ful force @soland @ajaz #veloc­i­ty #adobe­sum­mit…

— Adobe Sum­mit (@AdobeSummit) April 24, 2013

And Jessie J killed it at the Adobe Sum­mit party!

Jessie J, Adobe Summit 2013

Tomor­row we’re tak­ing the leap with John Mel­lor, Adobe VP of Strat­e­gy for Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing, who will be joined onstage by Felix Baumgartner!

Don’t for­get to join in on the con­ver­sa­tion on Twit­ter with the hash­tag #Adobe­Sum­mit