What do you actually want from social media? Figure it out with the “Like-Cycle”

Social media is still a young indus­try, says Jere­my Waite, Adobe’s head of social strat­e­gy for EMEA.

He’s right. A few years ago many of us were only dab­bling with MySpace, Twit­ter and Face­book. Now we have even more social plat­forms to choose from like Pin­ter­est, Insta­gram, Tum­blr and Foursquare. There are even region­al plat­forms like VKon­tak­te in East­ern Europe or Wei­bo in Asia. We’re ded­i­cat­ing more of our mar­ket­ing bud­gets towards “engag­ing” on these plat­forms, and hir­ing peo­ple or agen­cies with job descrip­tions that didn’t exist two years ago.

But what do you actu­al­ly want to achieve from social media?

Dif­fer­ent areas of your busi­ness want likes or engage­ment or a cus­tomer ser­vice plat­form, but until social has a cen­tral place in your busi­ness it’s not like­ly to suc­ceed long-term.

How much are you spend­ing on social? 3–5% is fair­ly aver­age, but accord­ing to Waite, the best brands spend 12–25% of their mar­ket­ing bud­gets on social media.

Waite has devel­oped a sim­ple mod­el to help dig­i­tal mar­keters devel­op a 360-degree approach. The “Like-Cycle” from Adobe is based on real expe­ri­ence with the biggest brands such as Ama­zon, Burber­ry and Nike, and helps dig­i­tal mar­keters tack­le the top 5 chal­lenges most busi­ness­es face in social media:

Expecting a datasource

The Like-Cycle applies to more than just Face­book – as dig­i­tal mar­keters we should be try­ing to build a peo­ple-focused strat­e­gy not a social net­work-focused strat­e­gy. After all, we’re there for the peo­ple not the platforms.

Expecting a datasource

Like on aver­age 40 brands – 2012

The scary sta­tis­tics are out there, but with a strong strat­e­gy based on an under­stand­ing of data and intel­li­gence your social media pro­gram could beat the odds.

Down­load the “Like-Cycle” from Adobe (white paper) now.