RoboHelp 10 Featurette Videos, part 1: hyperlinks, image maps and drop-downs
In our on-going effort to educate and enlighten existing and potential customers on product capabilities, we have been creating a series of “featurette” videos about RoboHelp. This is the first blog to collect links to some of these videos for your convenience.
Creating hyperlinks in RoboHelp 10
A new video shows how simple this process is, in about 3 minutes. You may not know that you can actually create a hyperlink to another topic by simply dragging the topic from Project Manager into some selected text. For instance, if you wanted 3 items in a bulleted list to display as hyperlinks to topics, simply type in the desired text, then drag a topic over each selected list item.
Watch the video below to see just how simple this is:
RoboHelp 10 Image mapping to make sections of a graphic act like hyperlinks
Many times you may need to insert screen capture images of some software or process you are documenting. With Image Maps in RoboHelp, you can make a portion of the graphic act like a “hot spot” that will take you to a particular topic or book mark.
Once again, this process may be done with very few steps. The process is highly intuitive. Watch the video below to find out how!
DHTML drop downs in RoboHelp 10
Many projects for desktop screens, or tablets or mobile have a need to preserve screen real estate. Especially where tablets are concerned, you may not want to burden your users with the traditional tech doc style of sequential screen captures or illustrations that require multiple “swipes” to navigate through multiple screens.
RoboHelp enables you to insert DHTML “drop downs” that will temporarily display graphics. This allows you to stack 8 or 10 graphics under logical names in a list. In the published project, the user simply clicks or selects what appears to be a hyperlink, and the graphic becomes visible. Select again, and it vanishes. This simple method can greatly improve the quality of your projects and customer retention.
Watch the short video below to see just how easy this can be.
Have your own hands-on with RoboHelp 10 and decide how you can use it
After watching the webinar, you may wish to have your own hands-on with RoboHelp. The quickest way to do this is to have use a trial copy of Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes FrameMaker 11 and RoboHelp 10. You can try your own hands-on by clicking here. This link also includes a link to a Quick Start Guide for RoboHelp.