FrameMaker 11.0.2 Patch Released

Dear Framers,

Over the past few months, many of our valued partners and customers had reported a few bugs in FrameMaker 11. We have been actively listening to the feedback and have fixed some of the critical bugs in FrameMaker 11. I am pleased to announce the availability of FrameMaker 11.0.2 patch. I would like to thank all those who have contributed in reporting these issues and helping us improve the product.

Here is the list of the issues that we have fixed

1. In FM 11, the Zoom pop-up menu had only 4 options, (25%, 50%, 80%, 100%). In the patch, we have added following options as well
a. 120%
b. 140%
c. 150%
d. 160%
e. 200%
f. 400%
g. Fit page in window
h. Fit window to page
i. Fit window to text frame
j. Set
Furthermore, you can modify the options through the UI by clicking on set, or through Maker.ini Zoom flag settings. Please note that currently, there is a limitation of specifying 10 numeric values in the pop-up menu.

2. Tristate checkbox of Para Designer numbering tab did not turn OFF when designer was docked.

3. Default section in global structapps file was not read on FM launch. Since FrameMaker did not read the structapps file values, the default transformations provided for XSLT were not getting loaded.

4. FrameMaker did not allow removing the flow tag name from text frame properties.

5. Opening and saving a DITA file with codeblock elements that contained leading space, deleted one or more leading spaces. Each time FrameMaker was launched, saved, or exited, one or more leading spaces were lost.

6. Apart from these bugs, we have fixed 3 crashers which are as follows
a. If you delete conditional tags from the conditional text pods repetitively, FM use to crash.
b. While working on a document, if you go back to the content that is not current ( i.e. go to previous page or at the top of current page) and replace a content with cross-reference and insert a SPACE after that, FM use to crash
c. Changing flow tag more than 2 times on custom text frames use to crash FM

FrameMaker 11.0.2 patch can be installed by clicking on “Help -> Update” and select “Adobe FrameMaker 11.0.2 Update”

Alternatively, you can also download the patch from here

You can find the Readme document here

I encourage all FrameMaker 11 users to install this patch. Hope you find these fixes and enhancements useful.
Vikram Verma
Product Manager