Adobe STC Summit Interviews 2: voice recognition, survey results and for whom do you write?
This is the secondin our series of video interviews with key thought leaders and bright attendees at the STC Annual Summit in Atlanta. Adobe installed cameras, lights and had the “Content Wrangler” himself to help gather some of the most interesting thought leaders present. We have 40 interviews to share, and will continue to roll them out in groups of 5 over the next few weeks.
A different set of themes are covered in this collection of thought leader interviews, ranging from the future of voice recognition to discovering for whom are you writing.
Scott Abel on Results of the Tech Comm Industry Benchmark Survey, Part 1
In this Adobe interview at STC, Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler, shares exciting highlights from his recent Tech Comm survey. Find out in little more than a minute how many companies surveyed have moved to structured authoring, and which form of XML or DITA they are embracing.
Charles Corfield on The Future of Voice Recognition
In this interview, the inventor of FrameMaker, Charles Corfield share his vision of the future of Voice Recognition. Charles sees this technology becoming increasingly important for navigation and command implementation, vs. authoring content. This adds an entire new real of experience that tech content content creators will need to contend with. “Workers can readily memorize voice shortcuts” in contrast to multi-key sequences.
Charles Cooper on “For Whom are you Writing?”
Charles Cooper of the Rockley Group discusses how many tech writers are “missing the boat” by focusing on legacy content issues rather than finding out whom they are writing for. As Charles states, we need to think of whom will be reading this content 5 years from now. Charles shares a shocking statistic on the percentage of writers whom have never had direct contact with their audience; he offers creative solutions to fill this void.
Ant Davey on Using Data to Improve Technical Communications
In this Adobe interview at the STC Summit, Davey contends that we need to use analytics with online documentation and understand what that data means. Recent research with website users has indicated that the documentation we provide is overly long and poorly written. “The answer is modularization and topic-based authoring.”
Andrea Ames on “It’s Not Your Mother’s Tech Comm Anymore”
In this brief interview, Andrea Ames covers how we need to overcome some old ways of thinking that are still common. Especially in the areas of information architecture. We need to design our information for a more “context-less” experience. Customer contributions to content diminishes our control over content. Thus we must rethink how we do everything.
Jarl Jonas on “MOOCs”, A Community Learning Experience
In this interview Jarl Jonas discusses MOOCs, “Massive Online Open Course”. Jonas runs a massive online learning site for STC which gives users the ability to connect with one another. The overall goal is to connect learners with one another as well as experts.
Watch for more episodes coming soon
Our mission is not only to deliver the best single source publishing tools possible, but also to enlighten, inform and inspire existing and potential customers. Be sure to revisit our website, after the July 4th USA holiday for Part 3 of these intriguing interviews. We hope you benefit from them as much as we have.