Study Reveals Education System is Stifling Creativity

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Today, Adobe released a research study that reveals the state of creativity in education. It highlights the importance of preparing students to be innovators and how testing and government mandates are stifling creativity in the classroom.

This international study, “Barriers to Creativity in Education: Educators and Parents Grade the System,” shows there is a growing concern that the education system itself is a barrier to developing the creativity that drives innovation. Parents and educators agree that today’s education system places too much emphasis on testing and not enough investment in the training, tools and time needed to teach creativity.

Among the 4,000 adults, 2,000 were educators and 2,000 were parents of students in K-12 and higher education. A strong majority of the participants across the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia, call for a transformation in the ways schools work. Furthermore, educators agree that they can do more to foster creativity with more tools and training to integrate it into the classroom.

When asked about the most important step to promote and foster creativity in education, U.S. respondents cited the need to:

Please take a look at the survey data and share your thoughts with us here or join the conversation on twitter using #createnowedu. Additional information available through: