Towards an Agile Authoring Methodology: Learning from the Lean Methodology

Agile development is a way of managing IT development teams and projects that was introduced around 2001. It is a set of principles that aims to result in more successful projects by breaking a project down into a series of incremental and iterative stages. As Agile has become increasingly popular, technical communicators have needed to learn how they can work effectively within these projects.

Noted thought leader, Ellis Pratt of Cherryleaf in the UK has authored a white paper you can download, entitled “Towards an Agile authoring methodology: learning from the Lean methodology.” AdobeTCS also held a webinar with Ellis on this topic, with the same title. You can view the webinar recording by clicking here. This blog covers highlights of points made in both the Pratt white paper and webinar.

The emergence of Agile

Agile development was introduced around 2001 as a means of managing IT development teams and projects. It is actually a set of principles with a goal of achieving project success by breaking projects down into a series of incremental and iterative stages. Obviously, this relatively recent method of managing projects has impacted technical communicators.

To quote the author:

Agile development is a way of managing IT development teams and projects that was introduced around 2001. It is a set of principles that aims to result in more successful projects by breaking a project down into a series of incremental and iterative stages. As Agile has become increasingly popular, technical communicators have needed to learn how they can work effectively within these projects.

Features of Agile

Pratt reminds us that traditionally, tech comm communicators have worked on projects where delivery specifications have been defined and documented at project start. The diagram below shows a typical, traditional project:

01 stages of tradi project

Agile projects are quite a contrast: the goal is to quickly develop robust projects and minimize an investment in upfront design. Project and deliverables are typically broken down into two-week development cycles. These projects adapt and change over time, based on feedback and lessons learned from these cycles. Key stages in an Agile project are show below:

02 key stages in agile project

Agile’s effect on writing

Technical communicators are challenged by working with a methodology that does not directly address how user documentation can be created in an efficient and effective way. The following list directly quotes the author on some challenges that technical communicators can face:

Learning from Lean

Lean is a methodology for making things. Although it was originally developed for manufacturing, today the Lean methodology is used in programming, heathcare and other business areas. Lean is an adaption of the Toyota Production System which defines three types of waste as (a) “non-value adding work”, “overburden” and “uneveness”.

Lean has defined waste as eight common categories, which correspond to common documentation issues, as shown in the author’s diagram below:

Waiting for information from Subject Matter Experts or test versions of the product.Delays in approving and publishing content.Lost time due to late receipt of source material.
Over processing
Repeated content.Creating content that’s not needed.Duplication of collecting source material.Collecting of non-essential source material.Too frequent reporting of performance than necessary.Not meeting customer’s requirements.
Defects rework and correcting
Changes arising from uncaught errors.Having to make post-publishing amendments to the output generated from an authoring tool.
Moving things
Finding information.Hand-offs for reviewing and translating.Reviewing data more often than necessary.
Editing/multiple drafts.Too much work.Not enough time.
List of requirements and topics.New plans are produced while stakeholders are still processing previous plans.
Talent misused
Underutilization of people.
Motion (by people)
Moving from one authoring application to another.Meeting Subject Matter Experts.Attending development meetings.Meeting with inadequate attendees.Checking with new business units/product groups for their initial plans.

Removing waste from documentation

Lean’s focus on stripping waste is that if something does not add value to the customer, it is eliminated. Using the three original types of waste described above, Lean can help us identify areas of waste in documentation from the user’s perspective:

Non-value adding
Content that’s not needed or doesn’t meet their needs
Content is too difficult or detailed
There are delays in finding information

Writing in an Agile environment

In this section of the white paper, Pratt identifies areas where you can apply Lean principles to tech doc in an Agile environment, and illustrates how Adobe Tech Comm Suite 4 and RoboHelp Server 9 can assist you in doing this.

You will need to read the white paper and view the recorded webinar to fully appreciate these principles, but the following list provides a summary of areas covered in Pratt’s white paper and presentation:


Here, we again quote the author directly, in italics:

In this document, we have suggested some ideas and approaches towards an Agile authoring methodology for you to consider. Reframing technical documentation in the context of the Lean methodology, could help technical communicators demonstrate its value, and identify all the areas where time and effort is wasted, to teams using Agile methodologies.

Technical communicators need to be able to respond to the requirements of users and to any changes to the project. In addition to having efficient working practices, this also means you need authoring tools that are sufficiently flexible and capable.

Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides:

About the Author

Ellis is Director and Help Strategist at Cherryleaf Technical Authors, a technical writing services and training company based near London, in the United Kingdom. He has over fifteen years’ experience working in the field of documentation, has a BA in Business Studies, and is an Associate of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Ellis is also an author and editor of two books: ‘How to Write Instructions’ and ‘Trends in Technical Communication’. Ranked the most the influential blogger on technical communication in Europe, Ellis is a specialist in the field of creating clear and simple information users will love.