#writeright 11) FrameMaker & Word: Advanced indexing, Lists and prefixes

In this collection of recent videos from our “Do You Write Right” campaign we tackle four common challenges that FrameMaker handles quite easily. Each video is 3-4 minutes long, so you can view these bite-sized tutorials at your leisure.

FrameMaker for Word: Index entry with page range

Index entries are easy in FrameMaker 11: there is no limit to the number of nested entries. This 3 minute video shows you how easy it is to insert a “start” and “end” range in index markers so that an index entry will display a range of pages. You can do it too!


FrameMaker for Word: Changing fonts w/in Index entries

FrameMaker not only gives you more control over your Index than Word; the methods are easy and accessible. Watch this brief, 3 minute video to see how you can easily insert symbolic “character tags” around key words and phrases in your index entries to change fonts for emphasis. This method is ideal for changing publication title to italic, for instance. You can do it too!


FrameMaker for Word: Automatic prefixed paragraphs for CAUTIONS and NOTEs

“Numbered” paragraphs in FrameMaker can include a text prefix. In fact, you can choose to not have numbers, but a text only prefix. Add a tab and hanging indent, and you have the perfect formula for simple CAUTIONs and NOTEs. Watch this short video to find out just how simple this is. You can do it too!


FrameMaker for Word: Right Aligned Numbers in Lists and Prefixes

FrameMaker 11 not only provides powerful “mixed” number streams, but also gives you a great deal of control over formatting. Watch this 2 minute video to see how easy it is to make Roman Numerals in heading prefixes right align with a “gutter” to improve readability.


Is FrameMaker right for you? Take the Quiz!

You can use a calculator to determine how much time and money FrameMaker can save your over Word. Or, you can take a Quiz to determine if your workload is a good fit for FrameMaker. Simply go to http://www.douwriteright.com/

Have your own hands-on with FrameMaker 11 and decide how you can use it

Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 includes FrameMaker 11, which is an excellent authoring solution and also a versatile structured editor for DITA/XML. The possibilities with these new tools are as limitless as the profiles of our existing and potential customers. To discover how you can use FrameMaker, download a trial copy of FrameMaker 11 today. After having your own hands-on, you may decide in favor of the best bargain of all, obtaining a cloud subscription to the entire Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes RoboHelp 10, Captivate 6 and other products in addition to FrameMaker 11.