#writeright 12) FrameMaker & Word: Workspaces, Catalogs & Designers, Character Tags

We’ve expanded the breadth of our #writeright “how to” videos with new topics by guest experts. This week, we posted 3 new videos by veteran FrameMaker expert (and certified expert), Barb Binder.

FrameMaker for Word: Work Spaces

Work spaces were introduced in FrameMaker 9. Powerful as they are, for older users, used to the old, UNIX-inspired UI, work spaces do take some getting used to. However, work spaces provide a much more powerful authoring environment that you’re used to with Microsoft Word. In this 9 minute “in depth” video, Barb Binder covers the fundamentals of work spaces, including how to easily create, customize and save your own work spaces that are matched to certain projects or tasks.


FrameMaker for Word: Catalogs and Designers [in depth]

Catalogs in FrameMaker 11 are easy to use and understand, with one minor “gottcha” — there are four catalogs, not one, as in MS Word. FrameMaker provides a powerful, customizable catalog for:

… this means that not only can you globally update headings, paragraphs, and key words and phrases, but you can updated “named” table styles (leaving other tables unaffected), and also named anchored frames or graphic objects. The last category in the list above was introduced in FrameMaker 11.

In this 9 minute video, Barb Binder takes you through a logical progression to understand the difference between catalogs and the “designer” used to create styles for all 4 catalogs.


FrameMaker for Word: Character Tags [in depth]

As Barb Binder illustrates in the final FrameMaker for Word video this week, character tags are extremely versatile. Their use goes beyond emphasizing key words and phrases; they can be used to make auto numbers in paragraphs or prefix text have a different look and feel as well. In a forthcoming video, Barb will show you how to customize font, color etc. for bullets in lists. Watch this video to get a full sense of what you can do with this powerful feature.


Is FrameMaker right for you? Take the Quiz!

You can use a calculator to determine how much time and money FrameMaker can save your over Word. Or, you can take a Quiz to determine if your workload is a good fit for FrameMaker. Simply go to http://www.douwriteright.com/

Have your own hands-on with FrameMaker 11 and decide how you can use it

Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 includes FrameMaker 11, which is an excellent authoring solution and also a versatile structured editor for DITA/XML. The possibilities with these new tools are as limitless as the profiles of our existing and potential customers. To discover how you can use FrameMaker, download a trial copy of FrameMaker 11 today. After having your own hands-on, you may decide in favor of the best bargain of all, obtaining a cloud subscription to the entire Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes RoboHelp 10, Captivate 6 and other products in addition to FrameMaker 11.