The Royal Baby: Predictions from the Twittersphere

With only days (or hours) to go until the roy­al birth, we won­dered if social media could pre­dict the gen­der of the roy­al baby and their name.

Using Adobe Social we pulled Twit­ter data from the last thir­ty days in an attempt to see if users will guess right. Will it be a boy or a girl, what will be his or her name, and who is tweet­ing about it?

First, we added and tracked men­tions of the terms ‘roy­al baby’ and #roy­al­ba­by, before seg­ment­ing the data by plat­form in order to only look at con­ver­sa­tions about the new roy­al arrival that were hap­pen­ing on Twit­ter. Adobe Social con­sul­tant ser­vices then dove deep­er into the data to iden­ti­fy the demo­graph­ics of the tweeters.

Using the top tra­di­tion­al roy­al names plus some more offered up by the press, we went fur­ther by track­ing instances of those names used along­side the ‘roy­al baby’ and ‘#roy­al­ba­by’ terms.

There were a stag­ger­ing 50,000+ men­tions of the roy­al baby in 30 days, with 59% of tweets com­ing from women. No sur­prise that 41.9% of the tweets were from the UK, but a good num­ber also came from the US (30%).

Accord­ing to our results the roy­al baby will be a girl, named Alexan­dra. Will we be right? Only time will tell.

In the mean­time, join us in wel­com­ing the roy­al baby by sign­ing our giant e‑card (and help to break a world record!):