The Royal Baby: Predictions from the Twittersphere
With only days (or hours) to go until the royal birth, we wondered if social media could predict the gender of the royal baby and their name.
Using Adobe Social we pulled Twitter data from the last thirty days in an attempt to see if users will guess right. Will it be a boy or a girl, what will be his or her name, and who is tweeting about it?
First, we added and tracked mentions of the terms ‘royal baby’ and #royalbaby, before segmenting the data by platform in order to only look at conversations about the new royal arrival that were happening on Twitter. Adobe Social consultant services then dove deeper into the data to identify the demographics of the tweeters.
Using the top traditional royal names plus some more offered up by the press, we went further by tracking instances of those names used alongside the ‘royal baby’ and ‘#royalbaby’ terms.
There were a staggering 50,000+ mentions of the royal baby in 30 days, with 59% of tweets coming from women. No surprise that 41.9% of the tweets were from the UK, but a good number also came from the US (30%).
According to our results the royal baby will be a girl, named Alexandra. Will we be right? Only time will tell.
In the meantime, join us in welcoming the royal baby by signing our giant e‑card (and help to break a world record!):