Sneak Peek at SiteCatalyst’s UI Update Thursday, July 18th the SiteCatalyst user interface will be updated to be consistent with the new Digital Marketing UI. If you were at one of this year’s Adobe Summit events, you will have already seen this new design in some of the main-stage demos. In addition, if you’re a SiteCatalyst admin user you should have received an email on the UI changes on June 27th. Realistically, not everyone can free up time (or budget) to go to Summit, and it is very easy to miss an email from Adobe. There’s a good chance some SiteCatalyst users have no idea this update is coming and will get a surprise when they log into SiteCatalyst next Friday.

Surprises aren’t always fun and change can be unsettling—small or large. I realized this when I recently visited a client in New York. In passing I mentioned that the SiteCatalyst interface was scheduled to be updated this July. After seeing the blood drain from his face and a hint of panic enter into his voice, I decided to jump into the beta environment to show him the updated UI. Once he saw the minor nature of the changes, any initial concerns he had were put to rest. I thought it would be helpful to provide everyone with a sneak peek of what’s coming through the following short video (5:17 minutes).


In summary, the main changes to the SiteCatalyst UI are as follows:

You may be wondering if you can ease into this new UI and delay its adoption until after July 18th. Unless you’re still using version 14, all clients on SiteCatalyst 15 will automatically receive this new UI once it has been fully rolled out. In this particular case, the UI enhancements were determined to be relatively minor in nature so a separate SiteCatalyst version wasn’t warranted. We’re confident the new UI will not disrupt your SiteCatalyst usage, and the new design will quickly grow on you (as it has on me).

Rest in peace RGB 112.161.0. You had a good, long run.