RoboHelp 10 Featurette Videos, Part 5: Sharing Resources

This is the fifth in a series of blogs that cluster together some very brief, but useful “how to” videos on important features in RoboHelp 10. Part 1 of this series focus on navigation links and Part 2 focused on dealing with two types of graphics, Part 3 focused on TOCs and profiles while Part 4 focused on bookmarks and previewing conditional content.

This blog focuses on some tools that enable you to use text and graphic content that you can update globally throughout your project. Watch the videos and find out how!

RoboHelp 10: UDVs for globally updated variable terms and phrases

In RoboHelp 10, User Defined Variables (UDVs) can be used a visual place-holders for frequently used product names, company contact addresses, company name or technical terms. Basically, you would use a UDV anywhere that you may desire to update all instances of a brief phrase. UDVs are used for text that is below the paragraph level; you would not use it for a repetitious list, which would call for a “snippet,” described below.

Watch the following video to see just how easy it is to create, modify and manage snippets. You can do it to!

RoboHelp 10: Snippets for Boilerplate updates

In RoboHelp 10, snippets are a compliment to UDVs, in that they can be used for longer tracts of boilerplate, reusable text. For instance, you would use a snippet for a frequently used set of steps in a numbered or bulleted list, for CAUTIONS and WARNINGS, and other types of multi-paragraph text with varying text formats. Good news! Snippets can contain UDVs, as you will see in the example demo. So, you can update your text two ways at once, by (a) redefining a UDV that is in a snippet, and by (b) reformatting or changing the text in such a snippet.

These RoboHelp tools are ideally suited for:

Watch the video below to find out just how simple this tools is to use; you can do it too!

Have your own hands-on with RoboHelp 10 and decide how you can use it

After watching the webinar, you may wish to have your own hands-on with RoboHelp. The quickest way to do this is to have use a trial copy of Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes FrameMaker 11 and RoboHelp 10. You can try your own hands-on by clicking here. This link also includes a link to a Quick Start Guide for RoboHelp.