Summer school from AdobeTCS: June, July, August highlights

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We’ve been busy as a hive of bees here at Adobe Tech Comm, making sure that you lazy days of summer aren’t wasted without plenty of thought-provoking and thought leader webinars and videos. We’ve generated a lot of short “TV” style videos as well as highly useful, recorded webinars.

June was busting out all over

For an attractive summary of resources added in June (with hyperlinks), go to the following microsite to view the many new resources created for your viewing pleasure:

June at Adobe Tech Comm

Bookmark our Product-opedia

We published our “Product-opedia” last November. It is a highly useful, “one stop shopping” URL for critical information on three product lines:

We update our Product-opedia on almost a weekly basis. If you haven’t seen this blog recently, scroll down and you will notice many more video episodes from AdobeTV listed under RoboHelp and FrameMaker.

You should click HERE and bookmark this site.

You will want to consult this resource on a regular basis.

Upcoming events in July and August

The following is a convenient summary of key, upcoming webinars. Please note: if you are reading this blog after any of the dates listed below, you will find a recording of the webinar at:

Check our AdobeTV shows for episode updates

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We’ve created quite a large number of additional videos on both FrameMaker and RoboHelp. Just for fun, try viewing some of these videos on your smart phone or tablet in horizontal mode: you will be surprised at how readable the screen display is!

Check the following AdobeTV shows for new episodes, which usually appear near the top of the list:

Stay tuned for more updates throughout the summer. We look forward to keeping you busy with some of our sessions, whether the featured speaker is a special guest, or “yours truly.”